Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

(I am only like 25% serious)

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mafia design is just a matter of making roles that make one side more likely to die in interesting and fun ways, basically



also nigh-incomprehensible mechanical gags

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(This is why my favorite roles are vig, jester, and serial killer)
(Vig is the most direct power of tide turning, Jester represents absolute contempt for standard play, and serial killer is self-explanatory (wolfing without teammates))

Gotta love nigh-incomprehensible mechanical gags

okay also there should be some villagers who have some sort of incentive, direct or othwerwise, to lie during the day. in vanilla setups this role is filled by VTs, in weirder setups you have to get, well, weirder with it

genuinely think that wolf/villager being decided solely based on honesty rather than actual behaviour is really uninteresting

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Yeah the more accurate reduction of power is kill power affecting (either killing or partial kill or probabilistic kill or the negation of such effects like a doctor), affecting kill quality (the probability a kill is used approximately optimally), and affecting kill influence (heavily overlaps with kill quality, but is more about relative control of kills and who dies regardless of its actual value). Vigis are the first, investigation is quality and influence usually only if town, and doctors can be all three contextually.


@notblackorwhite, I fixed the wagon sensor issue. It’s actually an easy fix if you think about it. I don’t think it’s a novel idea either.

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I think total honesty from a villager is just suboptimal a lot of the time even in like mountainous lol. Even as VT you have a compelling incentive to not die and kill the players you want. Honesty is frequently not the best way to work towards either goal.



i fucking love the roles designated as “pull stupid bullshit fakeclaims” roles


The honesty line of discussion is funny because I am the kind of person who tries to be as honest as possible when playing :wowee:

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speaking of virtuous ITS OPEN GO GO GO GO

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(Obvious discounts for when I have to lie for the sake of the rules. Like lying about my alignment.)


It’s a role that I sincerely doubt can be fixed while still being meaningful. Like you’re often just reducing the probability it breaks the game wide open while increasing the probability it does virtually nothing, but I’m interested to see if I’m wrong.


Ici has blotted out Bounty Hunter from her mind, I do not blame her

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bounty hunter was never released

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