Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i’d assume you’d be gen z or gen x then

No they’re just putting entirely unrelated videos, videos which I have already watched, into my search results

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Put suggestions for new videos I sohuld watch in there? Fine whatever yout hink I’m a dumb idiot idle filter feeder just shoveling whateverI can find in my mouth. You don’t respect my intelligence but I don’t expect youtube to respect me at all that site thinks I’m dirt. Putting VIDEOS I ALREADY WATCHED? Why would I want to WATCH THEM AGAIN unless I explicitly SEARCHED THEM OUT



okay but now you can rewatch them with the context of what happens later, catching details and foreshadowing that you missed the first time

Im like the last millennial or the first gen z? idk

You’re right. I missed the deep symbolism of dreams of our conglang community

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more fair and balanced tos games

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maybe you’ll figure out who b. gilson is

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I’d watched it recently because I made a joke about it being the theme that plays during the “end credits of autism”, a thing that a certain banned user on this forum told me I was going to see

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It’s a wonderful visual. The end credits of autism

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For hte unfamiliar

I suppose this did make me look the video up to link it to others so it technically worked as a way to increase youtube watchtime. But I use an adblocker anyway so I cost htem money

I’m trying to figure out what it is that makes me type “hte” so often. I suppose it’s just that I type H and T with different fingers and typing “the” is something I do so often that I try to do it very very quickly. I also often mistime spaces, probably becuase I can press the spacebar with either hand and so thus always try to do it simultaneously with pressing another key. Swapping letters is a very common May typo

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mfw more neutrals than town


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i think it’s your deep-seeded toxicity trying to make you type “hate”

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This is true, I’m one of the most toxic players out there, and I do hate a lot of things and people and such. It’s my powerful unempathetic energies coming through…


btw what’s a “true any” and how does it differ from 'any"

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Jackal, Vampire, Cursed Soul and Pirate can spawn from it

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