Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

to run this game i would have to read the entire rulebook which wouldn’t take very long in comparison to the game itself


the table of contents alone consumes two full size pages

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my options are either try to understand a balance of a game that i played a total of three times but enjoyed (I HAVE DONE THIS. SEVERAL TIMES. THANKS [NAMES REDACTED]) but im unsure if i can do it on a higher scale to a satisfactory level or just twist around the roles on the example page a decent bit and call it a day

…i’d like to see the example pages so i have an idea of if i can do anything but i left the server a while back for basically no reason

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People tend to be so worried over the dumbest crap that won’t matter in the end.

For me grades only mattered if I wanted to roll in certain universities that took into consideration the annual average, though if you focus alot on your finals you’re fine.

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and i dont wanna ask the same person i asked for an invite the first time because thats 1. embarrassing and 2. asking for things

hello individuals

Jail omg hi jail hi

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hi silviu!!! whatcha been up to?

Contemplating my next evil plans


hello federal imprisonment

you’ve been up late lately


yes… my sleep schedule is destroyed bc of work since im a full time closer rn lmao


its finally time for jail to wind down for like 2 seconfds


has anything exciting occured lately, my friend?


this is fucking illegible you’re telling me they made text so small i have to zoom in and it’s still 192 pages?


jail has slowly but surely been existing on this planet

uuhhh nothing exciting really lmao. other than the obvious of being 19 now. ive been real life maxxing slightly cuz i pretty much am at mcdonalds more than i am at home lol and i mostly have just been existing on autopilot so i dont have much

im getting better at irl social interaction??? maybe??? my coworkers are cool and lowkey keep me sane


nevermind it came zoomed out for some reason
text is still small as hell

I’m going to make chai tea lattes at home by buying the supplies

Apparently it won’t taste good as Dunkin’s :(

@ElizaThePsycho 1 target 140 dmg on a yin yang. hit a crazy overhead x2 just skimming both a drone and a circle bumper with the perfect angle for a crit x2 yang followed up by x2 drone. One of my best

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had to go high-angle mid-power because the x2 was above a bunch of random bumpers that doubled as blocking me and the drone/target bumper were down from it near the end target

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