Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


one is an elite private military unit built for taking on anomalous materials (monsters) one is transgender

they rarely cross over

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they both use the acronym mtf

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for the top guys it means mobile task force and i bet you can guess about the transgenders

I was really expecting to read “one is an elite private military unit built for taking on anomalous materials (monsters) one is an SCP thing”

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the damn queers were invented by the SCP foundation to keep straight people oppressed

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youre literally listening to two birds


i meannnn
have you read the hera scp



mind-altering scp. pay no attention

we don’t have any mind altering scps

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you could also add MTF unit nine tailed fox and there would still be overlap

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as was proudly stated when i brought this up earlier

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You think im readin the entire cookie thread?

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my entire knowledge of scp spawns from a podcast from 2011

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read slightly below

was a couple years off. thought it was a much later yogpod

i thikn i might have the wrong halloween special. theres another 2 months later. One of them is literally just them reading scps

i would hope that one wasnt a Halloween special because it took place in august