Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

either the gaslighting i have experienced is too strong/consistent/etc to be actually cconcretely remembered or it legitimately didn’t happen, or at least wasn’t noticed

i think the former is 10x more likely

atlas can you stack rocks around me for shelter

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1730? I thought scp only existed since like 2005

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that would largely prove ineffective at both providing shelter and helping you

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Okay but what if i want rocks stacked around me atlas

then youd starve to death inside a cage you demanded built

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girls and other folks i have seen the effects of consistent gaslighting everywhere else in my life except for in my memories of any actual interactions that would be considered gaslighting. either this is a big sign that it is, in fact, gaslighting, or it’s a big sign that im just being stupid

and one of these is exactly what someone who was consistently gaslighting me would think

nvm i just remembered a few recent times in which it actually happened. post joycat

girl it is ROCKS not boulders i can just LEAVE im not that weak
“why dont you place them yourself” have you tried to build something small from the inside

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and a shelter has a roof

one big rock on top

then you’d crush yourself to death

People have built shelter out of rocks since the dawn of time Atlas you can move a couple pillars and not die

Was this funny enough for the cookie thread
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naturally forming rocks

it was provably funny enough
i got 7 hearts

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didnt even read the post i just know consumers drive the market and pushing for higher quality means more bangers. This is a politcal vote

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Maybe it was because of the other things that made it incidentally funny! Claiming it “isn’t funny enough for cookie thread” but then posting it there! The wording and type of story being unusual for you! This isn’t a perfect test…

you just insulted me and your girlfriend simultaneously

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