Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Atlas CAUGHT lying

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She’s literally agreeing with me

My post is literally saying the vote isnt against you its against complacency


everything in the post is “the post that isnt funny enough for the cookie thread”

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and of cocurse now i have to write them down because its fucking gaslighting like the point is that you don’t question the “reality” of what they’re saying (and do question your own)

  1. when my parents tried to reframe their responses on me asking for HRT and were like “oh no we’re actually making you pay for it because when someone personally pays for it it changes their attitude towards it!” and were also like “we don’t want hrt to be a taboo topic in our house” as if they were not the reason it was taboo in the first place
  2. when i fought for my phone not having to be in their room every single night and their stated reason literally the entire time during the fight was “because we said so and it’s just a term that we have and it’s the way it is
    , deal with it we’re your parents” etc
    and then afterwards were like “oh actually we just care more about not having it in your room so you can’t stay up all night on it riiiight guys”

i don’t know if these are like, specifically gaslighting but it sure does fit something similar!


idk why i got onto that. post skill issue at me

Things are funnier or less funny depending on who posts them!

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is it gaslighting or something else if they’re trying to reframe their past motivations for doing certain things while completely contradicting their previously stated motivation in that moment
i think so

you joke but one of the explained scps (things once thought to be scps but later revealed to be nonanomalous) is just gay people

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you have may bias
i do not

it should be funnier for you to post it, right?

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i literally posted about east samothrace in here like a week or two ago

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It’s very expected for me to be weird and unusual… therefore it’s less funny…

yeah ok figured it out,of%20reality%2C%20scapegoating%20and%20coercion.

go nuts

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cool one moment

I think it’s trying to reframe their past motivations for doing certain things while completely contradicting their previously stated motivation in that moment

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yeah i mean duh
it has the same effects anyways i think so the word we use for it is irrelevant