Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I see this interpretation
though I frequently say “sure” when I do very much care and want to do it


It really depends on tone and intonation, two things that’re notoriously difficult to communicate over text.


i, too, an proud

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Artistic expression is a form of communication, and communication is neither a string of symbols nor an arrangement of pixels. Communication is the intent to share something with others. Generative AI has no intent. It cannot communicate. It did not interpret its cultural moment, and the artwork of its peers and predecessors, and intend to contribute something to a larger conversation. It generates a field of noise, and applies a denoising algorithm that uses a map between text and image latents from its data set to synthesize an output. If a hand has five fingers, it’s because that was the result of a stochastic function. Generative AI neither knows nor cares that humans usually have hands with five fingers. It never enters the equation. A human does, and when a human artist does it, we can ask ourselves: what were they trying to say? What are we supposed to feel?

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Im not worried about AI art taking over because humans can just imprint a signature that proves theyre humans and they can make a law where its illegal to forge it

There is still a market for handmade items even if its more efficient to mass produce them by machine (woodwork, knives, pottery, food, etc)

what the fuck.




Yeah, that’s definitely going to stop people.


I felt like taking care of myself. Usually i take 2 weeks between showers unless its a Sunday or i have a special occasion

Silly dork ily :blush::heart:

its ok, italy plays paradox games he is just not used to that high of a shower frequency


The moment it takes over it dooms itself. Generative AI using the work of other generative AI to train on leads to progressively worse and worse models whether it be text or images. Without a lot of new human art, it’ll literally never improve without fundamental changes to its underlying algorithms.


often you cannot smell things you frequently live around because you get used to it
notably you live quite often around yourself
this does not mean other people cannot smell it


Agreed. Have u seen the giant black foot print on his wall next to his chair? And he calls me out for showering too much. Yikes!

I know that research has found that showeing too often is bad for the skin as it dehydrates it, but like, take a chill pill italy

daily or
at least twice a week bare minimum

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It’s okay, Italy.

Tutuu never leaves his mother’s basement anyway.


open war in cookie thread


Chemical warfare

It needs human input like nurturing a baby just like humans. Dont all planes run on auto pilot? Im not sure if auto pilot is considered AI. Is it?

Google says the original auto pilot isnt AI but theyre slowly transitioning into AI