Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

what are u up to atm silviu


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That is such a good question, actually. What WAS I up to before I saw one of my favorite FoL celebrity


i have slightly controversial opinions on ownership and i think that with the technologies progression an ai produced piece will be capable of what we are. i dont think theres anything special about how we create new things compared to ai
my main issue with ai art is that we are inexplicably removing human creativity so the robots can do it. Off the shelf plug and play AI ArtOMatic can and is marketted as a replacement for human work. i dont understand our willingness as a species to repeatedly abstract and warp things to the point where they are no longer fulfilling. well i can. greed and jealousy mostly. still stupid
theres my opinion no one asked for


…you think im awesome?

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fym sure commit one way or the other

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I’m sure I could prompt an AI to produce an image in the style of Hieronymus Bosch and get a novel output that would superficially resemble his work, but be missing all of the meaning and depth. No amount of sophisticated prompting could ever get more than the surface-level semblance of coherence, and that only increases the probability dramatically that it’s essentially plagiarized a piece.

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@soweli i was told you havent passed your rite of passage yet. That just cant do. Everyone needs to pass it before they can post here

Here is what you need to do

I need you to write a convincing argument on a subject of my choosing. You will be judged by a judge whether or not you can argue well, calmly, and clearly

The subject for your argument will be … Hmmm … Lets say …

“Mountainous is the easiest setup of forum mafia for beignners”

I want you to write about that

The judge that will be assigned to you is … hmmm … How about dangerous_luka

So, go to discord, DM “dangerous_luka” and send her your essay about why mountainous is the easiest mafia setup for beginners

Chop chop soweli, uve got work to do :clap:

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You were initiated into the Cult! You are now The Invoker.


“sure” is committal. its yes. if someone asks if they want ice, and the other person responds “sure”, theyre getting ice


sure is “knock yourself out” adjacent to me

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i literally looked up the throne of lies feedback color for this. by taking it from a screenshot. hope you’re happy

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willow does more than type wowee so proud


Your dedication is admirable

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nyaaaaaaaa what
for me sure = yes


Sure = alright, why not
Yes = yes, absolutely

For me

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I think Lilith’s suggesting that just saying “sure” implies that you don’t really care but aren’t going to stop the other person.