Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread





good morning, charlotte!

how was your sleep?

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I’m thinking about my personality traits now. One important thing about May is that I’m a snob



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those are not numbers your math is wrong

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@May i never considered me liking everything is a sign of me being a people pleaser. That rocked my world a little im still thinkijg about it. Could you be my therapist please. Well i wouldnt wanna inconvenience you or take your time. And i dont have money. Could i ask you to spare like a few minutes please, to like, say more stuff please :sob:. This probably doesnt help without a direction. How did you know i was a people pleaser? What other traits do i have? Sorry for asking you this im just curious :pleading_face:

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I think your other distinguishable traits are:

-wants to be center of attention

-wants others to make fun of you (consensually, not for real)

-likes to analyze a lot

-likes to argue



-attention desirer

-odd emotions

-likes winning arguments

-wants people to like you; even if it means hiding what you think


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ok this is good

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Thanks ;-; (you could have spared at least one nice thing to say? ;-;)

You have it more intense than Willow tbh. You do what you think people will like. You’re mean to people on here because you think they’ll like it. If you get a hint of somebody disliking something you say you scatter away scared. I always get the impression you’d be incredibly easy moulded by an environment like a piece of clay. When you said we were similar and would end up as the other if raised in the same situation my first thought was actually “what no you’re literally the opposite of me, I’m incredibly stubborn about never changing my personality for anybody and you’re made of memory foam”, but then I figured that it was probably an upbringing thing for both of us


ooo what’s my traits?

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this couldve been nice.

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Aaahh i see. Thanks for the words :P

I think a lot of the forms of rejection one receives from, like, kids in school are pretty gendered. And even outside of gender the kind of environments I grew up in were very different



pristine fool

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My ideas were

Amelia = disappearing ninja, invisible
Benguined = sass

Magnus = nerd, walls, elaborations
Atlas = reserved, opposite of hyperactive