Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I feel like most of the latent personality traits that would make somebody act as “a simp” in a romantic relationship are still present regardless of whether that person actually has any involvement in romance whatsoever, like one-sided generosity and blinding oneself to people’s flaws and such, but a good chunk of the questions are about romantic interest so they’d all be a big N/A

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Much more common was, like, say, students and teachers and school nurses and vice principals trying to weaponise rules and bureaucracy and social rules and shit against you, to try to get me expelled from school and such, to which the most effective response is to become very very stalwart about advocating for yourself and never giving in or internalising a single thing anybody says about you or giving a shit when anybody tries to guilt you about something. I am talking about myself now because that’s my favourite hobby. This is why I can’t be a therapist


Can’t hit me but you can tell me I’m not allowed an elevator pass when I’d probably fall down the stairs if I walked up and down them all day so same outcome


Sorry that happened May :heart:

Made me better at mafia didn’t it


Thats horrible. it looks like you went through a lot. :people_hugging:

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I can take it, but if the questions aren’t very open the results might be inconclusive. You have been forewarned.


i dont think this exercise works if you pick people because they have 1 characteristic similar and are otherwise completely different people


Who would you pick for katze?

My ego has been completely and utterly shattered and demolished over these last few days on fol btw

I thought that people here were a bit scared of me when im mean to them and that i had some authority and they didnt dare to talk shit back. But now im told everyone could see right through me and everyone just tolerated me?

Im … not cool? Im a joke? :headstone:

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i plead the fifth


flowers for tutuu


I did this to myself, on god. I played the clown loser character so much that i became it. The actor becomes the role.

I’m unsure where the pertinent quiz is.

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orange north yellow west yellow 7 2 south blue 8 red west

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Mmm concentrated HCl time

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I prefer my chances in the comptuer toucher research thank you ver ymuch

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I wish i was like magnus or whysper. They seen unshakeable