Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Doing the tutorial now, and I have zero idea what the heck defines a Yaku.

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very funny how transphobes sometimes describe trans people as being like Mikolash, Host Of the Nightmare

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Holy shit where can I get some


Bloodborne boss

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Ok but how are they described

guy who was driven mad by knowledbe beyond human comprehension. i’m making a joke about how in certain transphobic circles, trans women are described like that

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Yeah I was given knowledge beyond comprehension of most people can confirm

the social contagion concept is obviously very alarming as it’s like. literally textbook a precursor to genocidal ideology. but it’s also weirdly funny. like wow you think that people become trans after talking to trans people, and so trans people shouldn’t be allowed to talk anyone? do you have something you’ve been avoiding in your life?

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of course as we all know, all trans people have access to a secret word in an ancient language spoken only by long-dead goddesses that makes you transgender instantly by driving you mad

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I still find it largely weird that somebody’s personal bussiness and problems are negative scrutinity of others in the land of the free, rights and freedoms.

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wait is it literally a textbook precursor

i mean obviously its a precursor but

textbook implies it has happened several times in the past

hold on let me find an accessible academic paper on the concept of toxification as a precursor to genocide

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Curiosity, when you go to a reassignment clinic. Don’t they make you have several appointments with specialists to assure that you have gender dysphoria? Something that takes time and then when they confirm that they start the transition and it’s like horrible and physically uncomfortable?

yea the whole “land of the free” thing is basically a sham more than half the time

Am I gonna have to card the Yakus?