the exact same way
i hate transphobia
France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries? all of them operate on different variations of thsi exact model. in Sweden, you have to wait an entire year while presenting as your true self without any medical health in order to prove you truly want it
god damn
these requirements are not meaningfully medical, they are wholly ritualistic punishments for the “crime” of being transgender
Transgender operations on illegal aliens
When i get rich and work remotely i think ill move to japan
-Cramped apartaments, not meant for a 6’3 guy
-50% chance to get rejected from renting due to being a foreigner. Some restaurants have a “no foreigner” sign
-In the top 10 safest countries in the world
-No car culture in urban areas. No cars anywhere. Everyone walks. I cant drive and ive failed multiple times. I love walking
-Politeness. Absence of macho culture
in the UK, to legally change your gender on most government documents, you need to present 2 years worth of yourself in social situations as your actual gender in order to get it changed to a panel of anonymous judges, who will determine if you’re really trans or not based on criteria that nobody fucking understands
This is straight out of a south korean movie
transgender alien mommies form outer space
society if i could just get my fucking medical care
and here’s the thing - almost every politician, everywhere, has decided that we’ve had it too good for too long despite this
I still don’t understand what is anybody’s matter on what gender a person wants to be
They should focus somewhere else that is more productive for a change
theoretically? because it threatens the patriarchy, the idea that men should have an outsized level of power and control over society compared to those of other genders
what could be more terrifying to a misogynist than the idea that someone who was “born to be a man” would deliberately, repeatedly, and intransigently be a woman?
Is this still a thing
very very very much so
hate sells, politicians benefit from having a group of people that some people hate so they can take the spotlight off another issue
… hatsune miku?