Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


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come get them from me nerd


Well actually would the average life luxury really decrease in a global AI mandated communism?

A lot of people have a lot less than me, but a few people have more than they can hold, more than tens of thousands of people

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The start of this post is just quick prompting tips, but there’s someone later in the chain who makes comics with a combination of AI and photoshop - they do all the writing, they’re the one who decides what the characters look like, they just use AI for the imagery. What % art is this by weight? Is it less art than a similar comic would be if hand-drawn?

And to depart from the whole mixed media conversation, here’s somebody generating an image that stands on its own: they start with a vision (a witch-knight flying on the sword) and put in a lot of work with the generator to create and tweak an image that meets their vision. Why’s it less artistic than if the creator used her hands to make this, or if she cut pictures out of magazines to make a collage, or if she set up a photo that conveyed the same thing? There’s a sliding scale of “human decisions per square CM” here and I honestly think image generation can come out on top of a lot of more traditional art forms like photography here


the biggest flaw in AI is that it must first be created by humans


Cookie close hype


I agree thats a flaw but humans are also made by humans so it cant be any worse (at its peak ceiling) than peak ceiling human, i think

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it would be borderline poverty for everyone lol


i think all countire should ditch their leader and put me in power


nothig bad would happen


cuz like as someone whos parents lived thru it all the difference is from capitalism is u live in poverty, if ur a farmer thats pretty doable because you have your own vegetables livestock ect so its essentially the same as capitalism except it sucks more cause you still start making businesses and theres still oligarchs who hold most of the money lol

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…no? I dont think. Things have been improving in third world countries since a very long time. Nigeria has skyscrapers. Plenty of people even in desolate areas and islands have phones. They dont all have internet, but phones are everywhere

Days since our last communism discussion 0


Instead of a no politics rule I’m just gonna implement a counter sign and a quiet sigh


phones arent a basic necessity


You would be getting so much money from rich american billionaires who pay 4 dollars for a small cup of coffee daily

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It was a fantasy topic about AI mandated global rule, not the real world, pls low it fam :pray:

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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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i didnt mean to reply

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Im beign a crybaby can someone take care of me and nurse me to health