Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

shocking news: the dude who wears a shirt saying “I dont lick car tires during my free time” and made a 24/7 livestream of him and his daily activities so people would know he wasn’t spending any of his time licking car tires,

is a car tire licker


I’m not disagreeing but I’m saying it’s probably also very easy to be deceptive about the relative impact. I can’t remember seeing any numbers of how much this stuff he did costed for example.

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okay but why the car tire licker analogy thats cracking me up :skull:

I can tolerate being fake but I draw the line at car lickers

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didnt mr beast put people on solitary confinement for money


yeah it can be deceptive but I mean atleast on a base level i’m sure everything he said he did, he did


like im not misremembering right he does just inflict the horrors on people for money

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he does

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now if i did it itd be a good bit but he does it in bad taste


remember the gold old days when they played monopoly instead of sitting in jail


i think the video touched on this too, but when you associate with Mr. Beast’s money with philanthropy and winning money, you are more psychologically inclined to do things like like & subscribe, buy merch, buy feastables, etc. because you feel like it’ll benefit you or maybe someone else


i like to periodically say bad things online in a really traceable place to prevent myself from becoming that


js his chocolate at least good
I remember reading about it being better than American chocolate but not euproen or whatever and idk much about choclate to know the claims if they are true or not

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why did matpat have to go to the us congress

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matpat is an icon ok

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it tastes like hersheys
it used to be a bit better than hersheys then they changed the formula and it tastes the exact same


i love him

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we’re gonna kill you

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I don’t even like that choclate what the fuck