Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

So the thinking was originally that I wanted doctor saves to not be guaranteed greens, but forgot it was multiball and that was already true by nature of multiple wolf packs.


qualifiers semifinals final


I believe in turnip more than I’ve ever believed in anybody else in my life


i read turnip as trump


that does sound like a statement a trump supporter would say


even the virgin mary?


remove the r to look in the mirror

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(vigin mary)

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Is May trump


I do agree youbie is giving off a lot of closeted trumpette vibes. Have you heard her stances on immigration? Damn

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i meant may’s post
if turnip said trump

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cult of personality? yes
strong christian? yes
calls everyone silly names? yes
trump is a may


trump is a last name you walnut



Trumpette is a real word

Atlas is a trumpette

you dont call somebody a trumpette if youre referring to the former president because Trump isnt gendered


Stupid Multiball Colorwheel Setup v1.1

3x Red Wolves
3x Blue Wolves
>=15x Green Villagers

Wolves flip alignment and role, but not faction. Relative wolf faction parity of each faction can eventually be determined by roles somehow? No Fire/Ice bouncing: wolves can cross-target and double stack. Kill stacking bypasses protection.

Colors signify what each role affects so Green means its limited to affecting villagers in some way, Red/Blue means its limited to wolves of that polarity, and Purple means it affects all wolves. Let’s say that colors never flip. The color of players is always based on their faction, and their role has a different color.

Village roles:

  1. Green Vengeful Bodyguard: only kills if its target is attacked (rather then killing when they are attacked directly), and only protects if its target is a villager. (Type is diversion and there)
  2. Yellow (affects Red and Green) Doctor: Protects against kills made by Red or Green.
  3. Cyan (affects Blue and Green) Doctor: Protects against kills made by Blue or Green.
  4. Parity Cop (no N0): Inspects target player, and will learn if their faction is different from their previous target if they have one. (Faction parity means that a Red and Blue Wolf are different.)
  5. Follower: observes and learns action type(s) used by target
  6. Voyeur: observes and learns action type(s) used on target
  7. Red Motion Detector: observes and learns if the target is Red and used an action (both are required) OR are visited by a Red player
  8. Blue Motion Detector: observes and learns if the target is Blue and used an action (both are required) OR are visited by a Blue player
  9. Blocker (Type is blocking.)
  10. Green Jailkeeper (Type is protection and blocking.)
  11. Vulernable-izer: Makes target player Vulnerable permanently. (Type is state-changing.)
  12. Called Shot Desperado (no D1): Publicly shoot a player and name Red or Blue. If the target is a Wolf and the color you named, they die. Otherwise, you die.
  13. Cooldown-2 Night Vigilante (has to wait 2 nights before shooting again e.g. N1 and then N4)
  14. Yellow (affects Red and Green) JOAT:
    a. 1x Yellow Diverter: Diverts actions from a target player to another target player (the actions targeting the first are used on the second i.e. one-way bus driver).
    b. 1x Yellow Kill Block
    c. 1x Yellow Color Cop: Learns if a player has an action that’s either Red or Green.
  15. Cyan (affects Blue and Green) JOAT:
    a. 1x Cyan Diverter: Diverts actions from a target player to another target player (the actions targeting the first are used on the second i.e. one-way bus driver).
    b. 1x Cyan Kill Block
    c. 1x Cyan Color Cop: Learns if a player has an action that’s either Blue or Green.

Wolf Roles (each wolf faction has 1 of each)

  1. Yellow/Cyan Jailkeeper: protects and blocks. Follower sees protection and blocking. (Color is always opposite of faction i.e. Disloyal. Red wolves have Cyan, Blue wolves have Yellow.)
  2. Green Stalker: observes and learns who their target visited and was visited by. Fails if target is a wolf.
  3. JOAT:
    a. 1x Ephemeral Vulnerable-izer: Makes target player Vulnerable during the Night this is used. (Type is state-changing.)
    b. 1x Alignment Cop
    c. 1x Diverter: Diverts actions from a target player to another target player (the actions targeting the first are used on the second i.e. one-way bus driver).
    d. 1x Red/Blue Kill Block (Color is always opposite of faction i.e. Disloyal. Red wolves have Cyan, Blue wolves have Yellow.)
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Invest King

Additional passive:
You start the game knowing 2 players who have royal blood or prestige

  • [wolf passive] you know their factions and class types. If you button click a blue dragon or hob you get added to their chat. If this activates, conv gets delayed as standard when you die.

Voyeur type ability
Follower type ability

Killing King

Additional passive:
Twice per game during the day, you can choose to make Condemned players unhealable

  • [wolf passive] if this was active yesterday or today, if you die, conv gets delayed as standard when you die

Each night, you can Condemn a player.
Once per game, you may choose to either kill a Condemned player or bleed all Condemned players. If you bleed, then remove Condemned afterwards.

Support King

  • [wolf passive] if you block a conversion attempt in any way, allow all wolves to take an additional action on the following night (additional factional, conversion does not gain this benefit)

Elected King

Standard set of benefits from Head of State minus the additional vote

You keep your entire role if you have royal blood
You keep your first night ability otherwise unless you are prestige


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no social king

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