Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i’d rather pay attention to the class than to a piece of paper


idk i never figured out how to take notes effectively. like i tried regularly, but i also have a sleeping disorder and even stimulants couldn’t help me pay attention to a lecture sometimes. sometimes my brain decides to take a walk outside the classroom and im just along for the ride



neither is also good. just become smarter by osmosis. focus your energy on sapping the honest work of others and become smarter through the microfractions of siphoned brainwaves


my parents are Attempting to get me on like. adhd focus meds

it isn’t working

i must have told this story already, but i’ll never get over the time i quickly did homework during lunch by copying from 3 different classmates which lead to me getting an A and the teacher coming over to tell me how good of a job I did, and then accusing all 3 of my friends I copied from of cheating with each other. Like I had nothing to do with them being accused of cheating, but they were so mad at the sheer injustice of the situation that they never let me copy off of them again.

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business tip: simply don’t take the medication and sell it later! Invest that into an index fund and watch your passive income grow



my senior year the english class was focused on literature and I read 0 books that we were supposed to read as a class and the teacher never noticed. literally would just synthesize a bunch of different summaries of the chapters and themes and shit I found online in less than an hour, and I could bullshit my way through class discussions to satisfy the participation requirements and be able to answer questions on quizzes competently.


i’ve never been able to write fast enough to keep up with the class so there’s literally never been a point in me doing it

one time i saw a class i was planning to take had peer-written notes provided to students with accomodations and i thought that sounded pretty cool

on the second day of class, our teacher started hyping up what she said was always every student’s favorite assignment in her classes… and it was to have each and every one of us sign up for a day to take notes for students with accommodations, and give them to her to post on blackboard for everyone to see


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my schedule this fall SUCKS in terms of timing. that is all i can say. i think the classes will be goated tho

i think virtually no one writes fast enough to transcribe the lecture in real time, but that’s what I tried to do too. Like I didn’t know what I was supposed to write down. When i was in grade school my memory was goated enough that I almost always remembered everything and never had to figure it out and when things actually got more complicated in college i was fucked. memory not photographic enough and i have no note taking ability.




the accessibility office got rid of every useful accomodation for me and then megabuffed the one i didn’t actually. use.
this was. weird. it’s not a fucking video game bro (/s)

Just write down every other noun and draw little cats in the boarders. It worked for me.

I mean, until I dropped out, but I got a solid 2 months out of it!

