Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Oh and after that one lands

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like bro im tellin you atc here must be so stressful lmao


apparently they’re in london at the start of december
i might still have a few days left of uni at that point tho :pensive:



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why is it pinging them long

Hm. Looks like it has something to do with the <br> element directly preceding it. I’m not entirely sure why it’s breaking it


I did that test after inspecting the mention the first time, and I think it may have something to do with the <br> element breaking how the editor injects <p> wrappers around blocks of text. I wonder if mentions don’t work outside of them?


Ooh yeah it’s not wrapped in a <p> element. And yeah, if I put <br> directly above a mention like I was doing earlier, inspecting it confirms that it’s outside of a <p> element.


and one final test


Edit: Damn :pensive: . I figured out how to break them in a complicated way, but I can’t replicate a long @. Maybe it wrapping it in a details box would work?


Edit 2: Okay after playing around with it, I can’t actually reproduce the exact markup in the editor that May had where there’s no <p> element around the @ weirdly enough. It may be a bug with the order he did things in that caused it to break in the exact way it did.

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How has May done this twice


is this mod privilege


not sure how to avoid destroying my weight progress at a birthday dinner for one of my parents
it’s at a restaurant and they severely lack any decent options

maybe i can pawn off some of my food to someone else…


thank you matthew patrick for leading me into reading a dozen scholarly articles

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If that’s the only time you eat more than you should in the week, it’s not going to make a difference. A lot of diets allow for cheat days for this reason.


i aint eatin the movie popcorn though

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I read a study that effectively went as follows:

Participants in group A followed a calorie restrictive diet

Participants in group B followed a calories restrictive diet with 1 unrestricted day in each 14 day period.

The study found no meaningful difference in weight loss between the two groups. Now, this is only one study and when I read it I recall some flaws, like not a long enough duration and all that jazz. That said, it appears that the human body will more or less compensate for changes in available energy by using more or less. Ya know, cutting corners if you don’t have enough calories so you require less. It’s why the calorie in vs calorie out model isn’t totally accurate.

So tldr, one birthday party won’t set you back, assuming we’re talking about a diet focused on gaining or losing weight.


this is not strictly true

it would definitely be best practice if you’re concerned about staying exactly on pace to cut back elsewhere in the preceding or following days

that being said being that worried is probably not worth it unless you’re going to like Heart Attack Grill

and so fundamentally “don’t worry about one day” is probably the right call (so long as “one day” isn’t actually multiple "one day"s lol which is where many people run into issues)

hi ex-lightweight rower here

your body cutting corners so you require fewer calories is in fact reducing calories out

can confirm the laws of thermodynamics still apply

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As long as the extra calories consumed on the cheat day do not offset the caloric deficit in the past week or so then it’s (probably) fine. If you cheat every other day or you eat so much on your cheat that it completely negates your deficits earlier in the week, then yeah it’s not going to do anything, but it didn’t seem like Geyde was planning on doing this once a week and it was more like a special occasion thing. Ergo, it’s very, very likely to be true in this instance that a one-time exception day is going to be irrelevant.


Yeah there’s a lot of factors that arent totally understood on like a biological level, but based on my research having both rest days from exercise and calorie restriction goes a long way towards keeping the entire process healthy and sustainable for non-athletes (athletes probably want a professional opinion cause those diets and schedules can be actually insane)

I’m obviously not a professional, but it worked for me.