Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

This is a thing where it is calories in/calories out, but that also obfuscates the complexity of the whole thing. Dieting reduces your calories in, but your body also adjusts its basal metabolic rate to adjust the lower average incoming calories. When you reach an equilibrium, it’s easier to maintain that diet since your body won’t be fighting you about calories anymore, but that does mean you’re no longer losing weight because the body has no reason to burn fat. This is why some people can really, really struggle to lose weight even with successful dieting. Their bodies just adjust too fast to the caloric deficit.

There are other reasons and I’m not a doctor or anything, but my main thing here is, like, don’t be fatphobic ig lol.


I’m sorry but i thought this was a conversation about calories? why did triangles get involved

Equilibrium is essentially when your weight stops going up or down because you’re using all the calories you’re consuming, basically. The idea is you make it to your ideal weight and at that point you stay there at equilibrium.

The more weight you have, the more cals your body needs to use (and less as your weight goes down). It’s like stopping a car by feathering the break and clutch.

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on the other hand do be healthy :slight_smile:

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notably and very importantly fat burns less calories per unit weight to exist than muscle does

okay but how does that relate to a triangle with 3 of the same sides. youve mentioned 2 sides

You can be fat and healthy. Like how heavy you are can negatively affect your health or increase your risks for certain things. Automatically assuming that just because someone looks fat to you means they’re unhealthy is fatphobia in action!

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we likely either have a different definition of “fat” or “healthy”

at the end of the day maintaining your baseline physical health is well worth putting effort into

what everybody wants out of that will differ but it’s objectively worth thinking about and making sure you are in a good place for you :)

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A healthy diet is a healthy diet regardless of the caloric intake. Exercising also has certain health risks and can lead to chronic problems. Yes, the benefits can outweigh the risks, but some people like being fat and i think we’d be better off not stigmatizing people due to life choices and things possibly outside of their control.

You can do that and still be fat. Muscles are not mutually exclusive to fat.

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anyone like Radiohead haha

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From what I understand, the main thing you can do to avoid a lot of conditions is just not be completely sedentary if possible.

Making your body use your heart actively keeps it strong, basically. And your circulatory system in general, I guess. Walking works.


walking is highly underrated and underdone

personally I don’t do a ton of it myself for a number of reasons but for a lot of people it’s a great option that’s freely available


i’ve discovered another type of mustelid (sables) these guys are so cute they look like a cross between a ferret and a bear

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ur the cross between a furry and a bear so it makes sense

i was really happy when i saw this because i read furry as ferret
now im not

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It’s called use it or lose it.