i wish this would happen more. friend vacations should be more of a thing. i always went on vacations with my family but it was my family so i never liked them. but this vacation was great
in real life
If I am friends with you online then we are friends offline too, silly! I am still coming for you, be prepared!
you never told me how uni signups went
maybe my branching out efforts will result in things
Time to check in on that flight rising guy
Well first before harrassing you in your homelands, I need to go to my university to drop my files to check me that I am not a robot.
No the other flight riding guy, the one who can draw torracat in boxes
Unsure about May’s capacity to do that
They didn’t even reach 1/4 of their goal
Are they going to be homeless now
I would order more art but I crashed a far so I need to save
ive barely smoked weed. most of my weed stories are like “my friend got me to smoke some despite me not wanting to and then I basically fell asleep each time except that one time where I had WAY TOO MUCH and it was NOT fun AND I still basically was asleep the entire time”
You couldn’t pay me to smoke weed
I’m very risk averse to things