Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I think this would save more live wouldn’t it?

Even if it didn’t work multiple times

I feel like the hypothetical depends entirely on logistics and shit. Do I have to pay to manufacture these things? Can people take them over and over again? How are they getting distributed? How are they getting government approval, like it takes so damn long for people to develop cancer and prove the 90% works but an instant cure would be noted immediately

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Me when I see the first drug


I shpuld clarify, it has a chance to work in 20% of people with cancer. It does nothing in the other 80%

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u go to the baseline for a week

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Like if these pills exist and all the logistics are magically taken care of and everybody has the ability to take them any work then the 90% works better. The more conveniences you take away the less that’s true. I feel like it’s not really a dilemma so much as just a question of how you interpret the sceanrios

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Hes not
His videos get more views than the superbowl


this feels like a disingenuous comparison given you can watch his videos whenever whereas the super bowl is a one time event

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The thing that really swayed me towards the prevention pills is that cancer has a 67% survival rate or something, but getting cancer itself is practically inevitably if you live long enough.

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So then in that case should we be funding preventitive medicine and lifestyles for cancer rather than looking for a cure?

just found this forty second clip wtf


Depends on the numbers involved!

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His english videos get more views than the superbowl in 24 hours*

This isnt accounting the fact he reuploads all of his videos translated and dubbed in many different languages

also in the real world these things aren’t necessarily exclusive


No because most people are not going to do the preventive things

They will take a pill
They will not give up their cigs and vapes and whatever

(they will not even necessarily reliably do this/or equivalent)


preventing cancer involves removing every joy in life. at which point you’re no longer truly living

Revently my aunt had me buy her cigs so I took the cig box she buys, brought it into the store, and told me I have no idea how to pronunce this my aunt wants this

They cost ten dollars for a fucking box why do people throw money into the drain

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