Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i mostly treat them as fascinating specimens


artists mostly
also some communities in the post-forum era use it for poasting even though its garbage


the internet is a series of tubes and social media is just an end point for those tubes arctic. it is all equal in that. it just so happens that alot of the internet is people being the worst

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interesting that’s how i treat you

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i’m a specimen alright

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ive said it before but I’m not convinced I’m not just may’s prized weirdo whos in the ultimate terrarium

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ok thats true a lot of my pinterest pins are just stolen from twitter

i dont know why it was to be that way though like they could just use something else. unfortunate

I love you may but I know you’re not bound by ethics I’m not convinced you wouldn’t keep a human pet


one day something will probably rise. thats how things go

whoooo? :popcorncat:



artists are trying. the issue is there’s often not many other places to go that have the kind of engagement that twitter does or did anyway, and the engagement is important so when they open up commission slots, those slots actually get filled


theres this fascinating thing where people go [social media] x to make fun of it or just like generally bullying because Social Media? pfft social media bad! well that one is. this one is too but its mine
I mainly see this in The Reddit Effect™ where things are considered Reddit because Bad. generally because some amount of whimsy is present without self awareness but also just because literally anything (see Reddit Bisexual Discourse)

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I got on Twitter solely to track updates on The Owl House and got off once the show ended.

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I think hating a large group of people for no reason is bad. As a result I hate the large group of people who hate on a large group of people for no reason


i dont hate the group “twitter users” i just dislike the platform because proportionately it seems to attract a greater proportion of insufferable people or the functionality of the platform itself causes people to act in ways more depraved than other social media sites and it spreads that depravity much more easily by how interconnected it is


shoutout to Twitter for allowing bluechecks to get paid for engagement, thereby creating a financial incentive to post dumb takes that will make everyone mad at you


you can tell people to



unalive themselves

on twitter without getting banned right? like there’s no moderation?

like yeah it does seem like part of the business model is to encourage people to get into arguments about stupid shit because that spreads more easily than positive things or like… any other thing. it probably has similar roots to why the news mostly shows negative stuff, it’s generally more interesting/eyecatching to the average person than other stuff

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there is moderation but it’s inconsistent and unreliable, I think you would probably get in trouble for saying the literal words “kill yourself” but if you used a more creative euphemism it would depend on other factors like how many people reported you