Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

bro got post trolly stress disorder


god i wish


i’ll be fine tomorrow i think




thank you for the squishhh :blush: ily :heart:

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i need one of these

is this nsfw mods?


everyone knows underwear isn’t safe for work that’s why i go commando



this is perfect why have i never seen this before


I laid down and thought today was tomorrow
it’s still da Friday


Did I even fall asleep I just feel disoriented

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What about my famous internet persona that you know nothing about


how much money would it take for the admins to shut this site down permanently


I’m pulling the lever because the problem is too long to read and I wanted to provide an answer regardless.
No philosopher could ever see that one coming.

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it’d be a disservice not to do it for like 50k because you could invest so much of that into, like, hella awesome bots n site experience stuff, and keep the servers running ~forever

realistically though if I ever needed to do full PR shutdown of anything I said on the internet from 14 onwards I would simply hire someone to anonymize my posts in the way those reddit services do

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“The trolley is stopped, and pulling the lever will make it go down the track, killing everyone tied to it.”

[Tones of other nonsense I’m not reading]

“Do you pull the lever?”



anyway you always pull the lever from a pure numbers perspective, if you don’t you’re assuming that there is not one person who would sacrifice many others in order to save their own life, which is known to be fasle. theres also people who would rationalize it anotehr way to save their life, psychopaths, etc. those people exist, so you have to pull the lever bc all of those people are dying either way

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I’m glad we agree.


me when the psychopath and the ethical person both agree on the solution to a problem


It’s a complete disaster that we can’t pull the lever, have the train reverse, and then unpull the lever and have it go again.

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I think about a Mars colony a lot because this is how my brain works. It’s unclear how we could ever teraform it to make the surface liveable because it lacks a magnetosphere, and without a magnetosphere, solar winds will strip the atmosphere. Its outer core isn’t molten and I have no idea how’d we ever get it hot enough again unless it’s possible to build a nuke powerful enough to generate that kind of heat without destroying the planet.

The other big problem that I’m not sure is solvable long term is gravity. Mars’ gravity is only 38% that of Earth’s. If you ever wanted to return to Earth, you’d need to exercise possibly daily to not have deteriorating muscles and bones. But even if you don’t want to return, it’s unclear it’s possible to have a child in these conditions. We know that a fetus just straight up cannot grow to viability in microgravity. Even if it could make it to viability in 38% gravity, it just seems really unlikely that a child born after being gestated in low gravity is going to have anything close to the right levels of bone density and muscles are likely going to be an issue too. I think it’s almost guaranteed even if the baby survives and grows up, they’re not really going to be able to go to Earth because of the gravity difference.

Venus seems much more promising on the gravity front at 91% Earth’s gravity. It doesn’t have an internal magnetosphere, but it crucially does have a molten outer core. Generating an internal magnetosphere would require accelerating the planet’s rotation. Difficult, but seemingly plausible with atomics. The real kicker is its current atmosphere makes it an acidic inferno, but again it’s not an impossible problem to solve, just one that will inevitably take a very long time. However, if we make the atmosphere not a death trap and get it spinning again, we’d have a remarkably Earth like planet that could support an atmosphere. It actually wouldn’t even be that bad temperature wise. Like it’s gonna be too hot around the equator for us, but huge parts of it would be temperate.

Most of the efforts are spent on Mars because, well, you could put a habitat on there in a much, much, much shorter timescale than you ever could on Venus. Like Musk’s dipshit ass volunteered his sperm to populate a Martian colony thinking there would be one by like 2050 or some shit, but again: prospects of reproduction on Mars seems grim. However, we could find an answer to that question in our lifetimes. But yeah I’m pretty pessimistic about Mars colonization being a real thing ever, and we’ll probably just be establishing a scientific outpost when we get humans there for the first time.