Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

The Unshackled lore goes hard

When do we get the ending to scod 68 smh

that’s probably because watching the world slowly die around you while you sit helpless unable to do anything about it is fucking horrible

wait a second

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Chloe silenced tutu



HoB lore is just warmongers infiltrating the Unseen


As it should be
‘attempted shadow government’ is kind of lame



BD canonically has to be heroic unless you subscribe to less traditional definitions of Heroine


Personally I think that if we’re going for the tol bd then the BD have to be only slightly better than the unseen

However I also totally think they can just take the mantle of BD in name only

“The Visionary” is a very cool flavor that doesn’t particularly fit with tol bd

yeah for tol having BD being barely any different than the Unseen helps smooth over the fact that Unseen can convert BD members in a single night

Cult has brainwashing which allows them to be really different

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Canonically it’s just a really convincing letter

I think canonically in game the Mastermind recruits them by just
Slipping them a note during the day

These BD members clearly are not loyal

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Also I think in canon the mystic is converted over a long time? There was a story about this in tol wiki one sec

conversion objectively happens at night though

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so the note can’t be what converts them (though it could maybe say like “meet me in the secret Unseen basement :eyes:” or something

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It used to say in the description that the Mastermind had already sent them the note when you choose to convert them

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