Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

btw i’m playing hollow knight dor the first time

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Me when I occupy the mastermind for 9 nights before they get the pity conversion

Who exactly is this roleblock targeted at, mr “fails to jail their target”

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i finally beat the mantis lords after a few months

i just checked never noticed they broke apart prince like that

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and then i 1 shot the dung defender


hey i jailed someone once that one time on like night 7

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Yea lol
I think they couldn’t jail consecutively in old fol but not sure

Just you wait until new Duke in virtuois

i love vortuous

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If suicide is anti wincon why did Ash give me a mafia role that was just “you can kill yourself at any time”


me when i kill all of the virtuous

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have fun! very good game to play completely blind

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botc ass role

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dung defender ain’t shit btw

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I have in fact run a botc role that is “each night you may choose to kill yourself. [+1 Outsider]”


would bd lore work better if the kingly lineage was an elected affair like the dwarves from dragon age

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triple roleblocks/triple redirects are still a menace though
if you were absolutely sure someone was scum you risk little from intentionally prolonging their death to delay conversions/stop kills/prevent conversions depending on who it is

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Pandora is so correct