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eliza the goat of randomly liking flop posts



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so real

Blue's Clues


never inviting you over at 7am

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how the fuck is greasefang combo legal in penny dreadful lmao

yeah sure you have a shot to win. glgl

my actual thoughts on deck changes (open at your own risk tootie)

deep-cavern bat is nuts. it’s proactive disruption which is way, way, way more valuable in your creature based combo deck. you’re also playing 6 plains and you went with a BB sorcery speed removal spell so it’s just gonna be left uncastable far more often compared to deep-cavern bat in the same situations. damn has a 4 mana wrath mode, but you’d rather be opening the way for your own combo than clearing away your opponent’s board. like even as a stalling tactic, bat is fantastic at keeping your life total high. i’m not saying damn is bad because i don’t know the meta, but it just seems like the opposite way you’d want to build a deck like this

yeah this is why i’d imagine most decks play cards like corpse churn and deep-cavern bat lmao. churn digs you 3 cards deep to look for whatever you’re missing (vehicle in the yard, greasefang in hand, bat for disruption). i think you’re also undervaluing how good being instant speed is too in this kind of deck, but being both mill and recursion is huge. cutting churn means you’re down from 9 ways to recur greasefang to 5, and 4 of those ways cost 4 mana at minimum. cutting churn for mesmeric orb is making your self-mill slower and cutting your most efficient recursion tool in churn just doesn’t make sense. also like bat is really good with lively dirge and so you’ve also downgraded dirge by cutting bat (and priest by the same logic).

decided to check mtggoldfish for what normally gets played and holy shit. why the fuck are you playing 0 copies of path and vindicate in the main when you have 4 damn??? i just noticed the vindicate in your sideboard lol. like 3 copies of path/2 copies of vindicate are in 100% of greasefang decks that do well enough to appear in the data set and you have 0. that’s absolutely a better removal suite for the main.

i like this deck, but i would start with a more stock list next time

Greasefang Deck for Magic: the Gathering


Not my fault marissa is being dogphobic


Magic the gayheribg


I really wish people I could play with played at good times. Smh

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thanks for your thoughts :blush: :heart:

i have 2 more cards that return greasefang to the battlefield compared to normal (1 extra dirge and priest of fell rites), and 4 less cards that return him to the hand (the 4 churns). i did that because as you noted later path to exile is legal, so is [no more lies]

aggro is rampant with thalia being legal. so i decided to be greedy and run the wrath over path to exile. they usually play only 1 drops and 2 drops. 3 drops or more are very rare in this format (for aggro). so i mostly run it for the wrath side, the 2 mana side is bad. its the best wrath card in the format if you are on black. i might even replace it for doomskar in the last moment, im considering it. damnation is good but 3 mana for a 1f1 is too slow in this format, and its 4 vs thalia. the default decklist which you shared isnt seen as a spectacular list, it does have a good winrate but its not a spectacular deck. so i decided to deviate a bit and try to see if i can do better

my attempt is be more controll-y, hopefully milling 10+ cards with my artifacts. thats where the priest of fell rites comes in

i made a bunch of changes though


i went ham on the ratchet bombs to really mess up everything really. aggro and GY hate which comes in the forms of permanents here. hopefully it will slow down the game enough

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or i might even maindeck 4 ratchet bombs? over the wraths. id be fine with playing bat then

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so you’re playing 0 copies of the 1-mana removal spell, and cut 4 creature disruption cards for 4 copies of a 2-mana removal spell that you aspire to cast in its 4-mana mode? like playing priest of fell rites makes some amount of sense, but lively dirge would be the card you would trim for that rather than cutting churn. you’ve removed kaya from the main deck which seems okay since im not sure what it’s doing really anyway, but i’m skeptical cutting churn and bat is really where you want to be. if you want to main deck ratchet bomb too, just play a control deck since that seems to be what you want to be playing lol


ok i think i’ll go with this. bat + ratchet bomb isnt bad, much better than bat + wrath. im mostly afraid of the 1 drop swarm

corpse churn is still trash, most of the time it just mills 3 and completely whiffs and u wasted a card. you have more chance to completely whiff than to hit a vehicle or a creature. u shouldnt play cards that do nothing more than 50% of the time

the wraths are probably just all bad vs thalia and vs rakdos sac which just dodges them completely (goblin bombardment + miner is legal)

this also freed me up some slots in the SB. i put in some planeswalkers vs the UW control matchup

i do wanna play a control version of this deck yeah! :stuck_out_tongue:

the higher winrate and more popular control deck is just UW control. nothing else. i find that boring

well okay theres also some yorion decks. orzhov and esper. i wanna hit my combo though its gamba. its so satisfying to get lucky and hit your combo

Good luck! Deck looks cool :3



Priest seems like a good add esp with your self mill. I know the format but I’ve only played it once years ago so literally no idea what’s legal lol


this is the second season im playing and this shit has been plaguing the meta. really annoying combo deck that can kill you on turn 3 or 4 if you dont have an interaction

this asshole + goblin bombardment is legal and frustrating. infinite machine gun, 1 damage for each mana

these are the most popular 16 cards:

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I have a mtgo account out there somewhere and the only deck on it is artifact storm. This should be very telling.