Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

no I looked it up and apparently Using Hydrogen To Inflate Balloons is a thing! like you don’t do it with e.g. party balloons for safety reasons but it’s common for e.g. weather balloons

frankly there are so many ingrained good quizbowl writing conventions that. you just kinda have to get a feel for? that i doubt ai can replicate. gauging the difficulty of an answerline in particular can be kind of arbitrary (and isn’t necessarily dictated based on whether/how often something has come up before, there’s nuance to it) that i doubt ai will be able to figure that out (particularly if the little dorrit tu was any indication).

frankly even if ai starts writing quizbowl questions idk if i’d want to play them. strongly doubt any of them would have soul (and before we get into this argument, i don’t think most human written questions have soul either. some of them have to be boring. but when a quizbowl question hits it hits, and the things that make them hit are kinda human in nature in a way that i’d be incredibly shocked if ai ever replicated. idk if i have the words to explain it)


this has tons of soul* it just also fucking sucks

* in the sense of being really funny

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(I don’t know if this one was actually AI or if you were trolling Clyde with it)

idt i was there for that chatgpt session but it was presumably made by chatgpt in a prior session

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idt a human could create such a masterpiece

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there are masterpieces (human exclusive) and masterpieces (ai exclusive)

its a real shame that the latter get lost in attempts to fabricate the former

salmon in the river (c. 2022)


my work just upped us to 4 days a week in office im gonna have to hand in my notice :(


Grizzly bears would be happy to see this.

benguined qb lecture :popcorncat:

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“im in my 20s” girl you were a teenager like 2 weeks ago


My pizza will be done in :08

you’re not gonna share it with us?

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cmon mail me a slice of it

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it’s your special interest

can name like 5 other things that are more

It was delicious. Heavenly. Quattro formaggi. The melted cheese on top of the tomato sauce. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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