Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

sure, I could just use Intensify CW and save myself having to process Empower mechanics, but this is funnier

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shoutout to every court wizard ever ignoring 90% of their class features and just empowering potential killers


i think it was top to bottom

no clue ngl but i think its funnier if they dont get feedback because is kinda jank which is fitting

iirc this is true

dont believe so

did CW empower and king guards ever co-exist?

if i had to guess CW would still get empowered feedback but not sure

no clue

iirc correct

this feels like something past me would have known but i wanna say they all did…?

iirc no?

…i think?

we dont ignore that forum even when the thread is like “the downtick of humanity” on a forum full of catpeople


oh right you can tornado yourself I forgot

I think Empower also sometimes worked before occupation targeting the court wizard? like you would be occupied but your empower would still go through? does anyone remember if that was a thing and what circumstances it worked under

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Empower CW knew

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follow up question, did it go based on “conversion that would have worked,” or “player targeted by conversion At All”?

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I believe it was conversion that would have worked but this i have no testing on

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cool, that seems reasonably intuitive

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choosing to pretend that this role is just Too Poorly Designed for Gray + Maple

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Yeah I ain’t reading all that

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won round 2 2-1


you are
i don’t remember if they are tho

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive

Royal Blood
Passive | Enduring
During elections for a new King, votes for you count twice.

I am the Liquor
Passive | Enduring
You are immune to occupation and redirection.

Night | No :crown: | Infinite use
Redirect target player to another.

Happy Hour
Night | No :crown: | 2 uses
Redirect target player to themselves.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

odd question but getting it in now

instead of having it “not being able to target the king” couldn’t you give the king the passive that most roles cant target them (or make it a standard rule) and put the roles that can instead

I don’t think they are

notable interactions:

  • redirections happen in… playerlist order, I think?
    • and then if the redirected person lands on a tornado target they’ll be redirected even more
  • if it redirects someone using a multi-target ability, it changes the SECOND target. I think.
  • players redirected multiple times will be informed of each redirection

yeye idts either

I could

the problem is that there are a bunch that go either way, so it’s not a clear improvement

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