Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

british person wants to be a colonizer, typical


the “, then you” is to make it clear that “the following night” is attached to only the death clause and not the disabling clause. i agree it’s cuttable, but i think it makes more of a garden-path sentence

this is basically irrelevant since if you jump the king you’re probably getting immediately voted out for not pointing

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if my understanding of the wiki is correct, herbalist can target king

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wiki documentation is inconsistent, I’m going to see if I can find an Herba stream

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I’d rather specify the timing of the first half as immediate and get rid of the middle filler at that point, but I also am known to hate extra middle of sentence filler words lol

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ok, it can target king

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however (as of 2018 when this stream happened) it can’t defile people as any sort of king

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You immediately lose all class abilities and die at the end of the next night

More or less

ngl it depends on the day and context if I use “, and then” but given I was just confused about it I’m leaning away from pure minimalism.


this is stupid

we should release a patch (which breaks no less than 2 roles) after each forum of lies game


any iteration of any role is technically fair game for Throne Of Lies: Forum Politics so if you can find me a patch where it was allowed,

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I dislike that only for precedent reasons. I want “immediately” to be implicit in a triggered effect, and add a “then” or whatever to disambiguate when a trigger has both an immediate and a delayed effect.

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Fair enough

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the wiki patch doesnt say its not allowed, therefore,

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not gonna lie i kind of want to like, fully commit to this bit where we host FoL games and artificially add bugs and have a feedback forum we mostly ignore

i think this is the future of fol



these are REAL roles, created by REAL developers,

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support

Clear Mind
Day 2+ | 3 uses
Focusing your thoughts, make a player immune to conversion tonight.

Night | No :crown: | Infinite use
Grant a player a buff depending on their class type:

  • Killer: Attacks will bypass healing.
  • Offensive: Death immune.
  • Support: Immune to occupy and bypasses imprison.
  • Social: Immune to conversion attempts.
  • Investigative: Immune to activated frame and tailor abilities.

Night | Self-targetable | No :crown: | 3 uses
Target 2 players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be immune to any occupation or redirection that was swapped to yourself.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Notable interactions:

  • If multiple players use tornado or tornado-like abilities, they are processed in order from the top of the playerlist to the bottom.
    • I don’t actually remember if it’s top → bottom or bottom → top but thread thinks it was top → bottom so I’m going with that unless someone else has another source
  • does redirection always go before tornado, or does it depend on playerlist order? I don’t remember
  • The Court Wizard will be informed that they “aided” their target if the empower Does Something. Doing something means:
    • Their target is a Social role, and someone attempted to convert them last night.
      • I think you don’t get Aided if the social role was also protected from conversion by Clear Mind? not positive
    • Their target is a Support role, and was occupied, or attempted to visit a jailed target
      • I believe the empowered player won’t get any special message if they visit through jail, it’ll just seem like a normal visit. Joycat.
    • Their target is an Investigative role, and attempted to check a target who was framed or tailored, not counting the Mastermind’s passive ability to appear not suspicious.
    • Their target is an Offensive role, was attacked by a role that does not bypass death immunity or was saved from a delayed death, and did not have a Knight protecting them
      • does anyone remember if you get an Aided message if you trigger the Sorcerer’s perception ability?
      • does anyone know what happens if there’s another source of death immunity on the same target? (not sure this was ever in the game)
    • Their target is a Killer role, not using a naturally unhealable attack, who attacked ANYONE, even if the attack was not healed
      • I think you wouldn’t get an aided message if the attack was already unhealable because of an enforcer, but I’m not sure
      • I think you wouldn’t get an aided message if you empowered a killer who was occupied?
  • does anyone remember if all Court Wizards on a target get the Aided message, or just the top one, or just the bottom one, or…?
  • I think you’re informed if Clear Mind protects someone; does anyone remember for sure?