Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I took my first driving test in a city that is kind of Like That, definitely at least top 33% of cities that are Like That in Massachusetts, probably top 10% in the country. My sister took her driving test in a place that was bottom 33% of Like That in the state and it was so goddamn easy

^ This meme is you


tbf the london street grid is also Like That. like famously the taxi drivers used to have to take a test about the london roads


^ Benguinedparbecue is saying this


You’re not even going to cite the fact that you have to cite in this context? Are you unaware of the fact you have to cite in this context or have you just neglected to mention it (which is against the rules, you have to cite it)

There was a intersection where I liked to think turning left was a death trap, you can turn left only on yellow and there was never a green, which may be common but it wlwaus feels like a death trap

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you want me to turn left when there’s no guaratee a car isn’t going to come barreling out of nowhere?

There’s an intersection on the way to the place I went to school as a kid that’s incredibly evil. I showed it to a ubnch of my (extremely trusted) online friends on Google Maps when I was touring them around


they still have to take the test apparently. i thought the era of good gpses would’ve mooted it but i suppose london is too much Like That

right now my place is trading ice cream with broosrers or however you say it

i have complained to at least one quizbowlcorder about an interchange i went on multiple times while learning how to drive. it’s truly awful


They get food and we get overpriced ice cream somehow the same price as our food

I was thinking of the fuckiiin one study. The London taxi drivers and bus drivers: a structural MRI and neuropsychological analysis - PubMed

I’m gonna draw this intersection hold on

I’ve only been in one vehicular collision in my life. I got rear-ended by a cab. While at a complete stop. At a gated toll station.

I will never forgive Vancouver taxi drivers collectively.

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It’s in the middle of a fairly busy city. There’s a road that joins up with another road at a really, like, narrow angle. And there’s a stoplight immediately as soon as you get there, right where that red line is, where the red line is that is basically Always On. Always stopped. I never come there and it’s not stopped.

So you have to cross a lane (multiple lanes? might be mulitple lanes) of busy traffic to get into that line of cars. Which you can’t do! There’s a bunch of stopped cars! Right next to each other!

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won round 6 im 4-2 hell yeah baby. if i win next one i make it top 8. if i lose i still have some chance to make it