Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

happy to adjust this as needed; day being base 48 hours would be closer (I think) to canon relative time differences, but could easily lead to 96 hour days, which seems bad

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i played a 120/48 one time and i think i would rather die

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i say this as a 96/24 believer

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its fringe but i fw it

join quizbowlcord all our games are a day and night phase crammed into 24 hours based purely on host availability

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similarly 72/24 is based and I want it to be every game ever

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every day should consist of 3 acts. rn yall get my kind of active first day and my drop off second day you dont get my grand return. im offset

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im only half joking I fit into 72/24 better

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The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer

Your armor will protect you from the 1st attacker blocked by Defend.

Night | :crown: | Infinite use
Defend target player, trading your life to kill their attackers. If you would die saving someone in this manner, you cannot be protected, except by Armored.

Cold Steel
Night 3+ | Cancelled if redirected | No :crown: | Infinite use
Attack target player. If you attack a member of the Blue Dragon who is not death immune, you will also take your own life, bypassing all protection.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

interactions notes:

  • attacks on other players via Defend were supposed to be unhealable but IIRC that was bugged. If it was patched (or only sometimes bugged), I’m willing to update the ability.
  • wording on CS is a bit awkward (I changed it from the actively misleading wording on the wiki) – if you attack a BD who is healed/delayed, they will live but you will still die. if you attack a BD who is death immune, you and they are both fine.
  • I think your death note doesn’t appear on your own body if you die by suicide. does anyone remember for sure?
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incredibly tempting to add the actively gamebreaking bugs into the setup

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obs bug my beloved

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I was also slightly tempted to just take the wiki wording for defend and then put “interactions notes: this is a lie. here is how it actually works:”

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The Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative

Night | No :crown: | Infinite use
Test if target player is compatible with last-checked player. You start with a random player who is not yourself or the king.

Nosy Servants
Night | Non-visiting | :crown: as second target only | 3 uses
Discover if a living player visited a dead player on the night they died.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Compatibility is checked each night. For instance, if you match 4 with 7 night 1, and 7 is converted night 1, 7 will by default register as Unseen/Cult on night 2.
  • Like almost all investigatives, Matchmake goes BEFORE conversion
  • If you match a player, and then they become King the next day, I believe you will still get results for matching away from them the next night (though if applicable it will use their new wincon). Someone correct me if this is wrong.
  • If you are redirected to yourself, you will (usually? sometimes it bugs) be informed that you can’t match yourself, and you will still be on the previous person you matched.
  • Players who are framed/tailored will appear as the faction they are tailored/framed as (for instance, a Mastermind and an Assassin are incompatible on night 1).
    • in some cases this means that tailored Cultists will appear to have Royal Blood, even if they don’t, I think? @Amelia do you have the list for that?
  • A Mindwarped Maid will get results as if the target they picked that night was unseen/cult

  • Two players with Royal Blood are always Incompatible (trumping general results).
  • The Scorned is incompatible with everyone (trumping classes that are always compatible).
  • Blue Dragon and Blue Dragon are compatible
  • Unseen and Unseen are compatible
  • Cult and Cult are compatible
  • Blue Dragon and {Unseen or Cult} are not compatible
  • Neutral Killers and {Blue Dragon, Unseen, or Cult} are not compatible
  • The Alchemist, Mercenary, Neutral King, and non-framing Fool are compatible with everyone
  • A framing Fool registers as whichever of the Unseen or Cult are in game
  • The Inquisitor is compatible with everyone except for Heretics
  • The Sellsword is compatible with Unseen/Cult/NK, and incompatible with Blue Dragon.
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special interaction: if you use Nosy Servants, I can legally make fun of you

it also goes before Poss jump, I think

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could the phrasing here be more consistent

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ok so, as suggested, I’m using :crown: and No :crown: for abilities that can and can’t target the king, but that doesn’t work well with two target abilities that can only half-target the king, happy to take suggestions

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