Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i forgot what the obs bug was

…it silently failed on players who were converted that night, right?


The Paladin

Blue Dragon Investigative

Test Faith
Night | No :crown: | Infinite use
Determine if target player is member of the Cult.

Night | Unhealable | Bypasses Death Immunity | No :crown: | 2 uses
If the Cult tries to convert you or your target, you will kill the Cult Leader.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Read this as the concept Incineroar and thought that was, like, a secret project meant to destroy Marshal should she fall into the truly dark side.



  • if the CL is occupied, they won’t trigger Smite
  • smite prevents the conversion (I might reword to make this clear)
  • you are notified (I think?) if the smite procced, and on whom
  • Paladin will only appear in Cult games. There will always be at least 1 paladin in a cult game.
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oh hell naw dnd nerfed paladins again???

Death City also had arguably the worst RNG in FoL history for one player.

actually this paladin is stupid busted


can you inoculate the King, does anyone know?

i saw derps visit eevee

The Physician

Blue Dragon Support

Remedy Studies
Passive | Enduring
Immune to bleeding.

Day 2+ | :crown: | 3 uses
At the end of the night, learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide.

Day 2+ | :crown: | 1 use
Make a player permanently immune to bleeding.

Night | :crown: | Infinite use
Use your staff to Heal target player, preventing their death and curing any bleeding.

Night | 2 uses
If you are attacked tonight, you will heal yourself.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

pretty sure yes


  • you can’t cancel Exhume once you’ve submitted it (this is true of ~almost all day abilities)
  • Inoculate stays even if your target changes classes, including if they change classes by being a possessor who jumps into a different body
  • Heal/Self-care cannot heal unhealable attacks (surprised Pikachu), although they can heal (some) attacks that bypass death immunity
  • You get full feedback :)))
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this is actually false in game

can’t cancel Inoculate though

wtf, the wiki lied to me again :joy_cat:

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I’m assuming that since it was on the wiki it was true at some point. Therefore it’s true in this game. For reasons (the reasons are fewer words spent on explaining edge cases)

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Choose target player to imprison tonight, occupying those targeting your prisoner. At night, you may interrogate them via chat.

this might not be a safe assumption.

abilities I remember you can cancel

Exhume, Intensify CW day abilities, Stoneskin, Empower reap, Jail (this caused a ton of shame rooms because they changed how target selection works)

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oh and merc don armor but nobody uses that

The Prince

Blue Dragon Killer

Passive | Enduring
You are immune to occupation, redirection, and conversion.

Royal Blood
Passive | Enduring
During elections for a new King, votes for you count twice.

Day | No :crown: | Infinite use
Choose target player to imprison tonight, preventing anyone else from targeting your prisoner. At night, you may interrogate them via chat. You may change your target an unlimited number of times during the day action window.

Night 3+ | 3 uses
Execute the jailed player. If they are Blue Dragon, lose all charges of Execute.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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