Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

there was also a bug with empower reap where you could break your soul count by canceling it

I had negative 2 souls once (that meant i just got nightkilled :pensive:)

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I think Gray was right that I need a tag for “kept on class change”


Prince jail on forum works ~~basically like Mystic I think

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It’s lot of words to have in a list of modifiers

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did they patch out being able to technically Wisp the King? I think yes?

The Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative

Royal Blood
Passive | Enduring
During elections for a new King, votes for you count twice.

Night | No :crown: | Infinite use
Learn target player’s class type grouping (Killer/Offensive, Social/Support, or Special/Investigative).

Will O’ Wisp
Night | No :crown: | 3 uses
Discover if target player attacks anyone tonight.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • a framed S/S or S/I will show as K/O. a framed K/O will show as S/I. this does not stack.
  • some things that don’t count as attacks: Execute, sorc bomb, …?
    • I think for Poss it only sees the puppeted person as attacking, and not the poss? is this true (either/both halves)?
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worst ability design in history (it’s still funny so whatever)

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counterpoint: Gossip

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I think the fol version of it showed that gossip was pretty easily fixable
tol was just overtuned

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balance panel discussing gossip every two weeks like

“this ability can literally confirm nearly every good/non-NK neutral player in game”
“that’s not a problem, players aren’t good enough to actually pull it off”
“here is a game where they did it”
“that’s a streamer game so it doesn’t count”


“can we at least fix gossip meta. please. literally all you have to do is make it not able to target king”
“but if we do that it might feel too weak”


me being told no one would talk to the mystic if they could be evil, looking at tos Town Traitor:

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again i feel like that’s a skill issue on the balancers part
the concept of voyeur isn’t bad

there are very few ways you can change smite to be ‘fine’

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i mean considering how long it took to make butler non-consec

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it really is

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didn’t it take them multiple years to split observer watch into track and watch abilities

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yes it did

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