Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

  • spirit of ToL (all non-NK neuts crown to survivor king)
  • neut kings keep wincon, get modified abilities
  • spirit of ToL except for Sellsword

0 voters

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eh fair
idrc about like. Fool King tho

i mean, 8 possible scum factions and only randing two of them isn’t like… inaccurate

how many scum factions can you stick into a game before it is literally unplayable

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new option, please revote

someone tried to make “Ultimate Mafia” its dumb and stupid

they added four town of salem investigators. for some godforsaken reason.

tell me more

not even tos2 investigators TOWN OF SALEM 1 INVESTIGATOR.

fuck no I don’t hate sorc randers that much


i know nothing else. mostly

i can show u the possible factions list tho. one sec

to be completely accurate to modern day ToL, Sorcerer randing crashes the forums


this post would kill a victorian child

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  1. mafia
  2. coven
  3. apoc
  4. who the fuck is this guy (conspirators)
  5. vampires
  6. chessmen (???)
  7. inquisition (??)
  8. what the fuck is an electric
  9. uprising
  10. ghosts
  11. unsen
  12. cult
  13. i cannot read this
  14. SCP
  15. cursed soul
  16. three different neutral factions
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I mildly favor OE king over Guards king

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allies king just sucks though

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I like how there are multiple town factions but only one can spawn so if evil claim to be the wrong town faction they lose

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the invest king I liked is the one i made for virtuous

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oh yeah that’s dumb too