Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

yeah most of the time I used TB to make the king say “exe this” lmao


trollbox my beloved

dang, good job sheriff!


mfw I put in Trollbox and it just gets used to make people post “I think abovementioned would be a great way to discredit Apoc”


getting button clicked is simply an issue of skill

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tbh it’s kind of unfair to wolves that marl got tracked

like imagine being a wolf and defending marl d1 a ton while making a joint plan to miseliminate chloe and then pulling it off (a big feat, she’s really good at the game and one of our biggest threats) and have him more or less be a consensus villager only for somebody you were planning to miselim turning out to be tracker with a red on marl. This is totally hypothetical btw but if I were hypothetically a wolf in this situation I would find it really unfair that TWICE IN A ROW I GOT $%#!ING BUTTON CLICKED mechanically taking a very winning position into a tougher one. It’d absolutely ruin my hypothetical day.

therefore we should kill min to make it more fair

that was all hypothetical btw


wait sorry guys i got trollboxed

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having an actual 1610 moment and just saying “guys i got trollboxed”



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part of what i love about the trailer is that there’s a single clip that isn’t of the tutorial

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its even worse than i remember holy shit


flashbacks to solving how many trollboxes there were in lfol

what’s up with the wolf hwl

scumslips are shockingly common in champs, to the point that it can ruin the player experience and cause large swings in the game for mostly out of game reasons. my proposed solution is to implement trollbox-


it’s so fuckin funny

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new mafia role
trollbox target player.

trollbox would be legendary for a game with a really low postcap


ok the epic music is completely out of place and it makes it so funny

um acksually theres 2… one was from a super old version of the game thatss not important tho?

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i’m so over