Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

idt overturning the right to gay marriage would actually do anything, since it’s a federal law now too
but like.

It very well could because of how our system works. The federal government can’t pass a law about anything and apply to all citizens in every state. The Constitution only gives the federal government jurisdiction over a pretty limited number of things and the rest are delegated the states via the 10th amendment IIRC. Overturning Obergefel may essentially remove federal jurisdiction over the issue of marriage equality and redelegate the authority back to states.



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the Respect for Marriage Act (the federal law in question) says

  • the Defense of Marriage Act (federal anti-same-sex-marriage law from the 90s) is officially repealed, so even if the cases about it get overturned it still won’t come back
  • the federal government will recognize same-sex marriages (and interracial marriages) as being valid (this would be relevant for e.g. your federal taxes, and other laws that affect the whole country)

as I understand it those are just unambiguously within the power of Congress to do – like, who else is going to decide which marriages are valid at the federal level? :joy_cat:

it additionally says:

  • if you get married in a jurisdiction where same-sex marriage is legal, other states and territories have to recognize that marriage as a marriage, even if same-sex marriage is illegal there

so basically, if Obergefell got overturned, and some couple in Texas wanted to get gay married, they would have to go to a state where it’s legal – but if they went on vacation to New Mexico and got married there, then went back to Texas, Texas would have to treat that as a valid marriage.

this also makes same-sex marriage officially recognized in the American Samoa, which was technically possibly not covered under Obergefell. this does not affect very many people but it seems good.

Congress appears to be justifying their ability to do this under the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution, which states “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.” Broadly speaking laws about how states have to interact with each other are very rarely struck down on Congress-can’t-do-that grounds.

(now, obviously, “Texas has to recognize your marriage but you can’t get married in Texas” is far from an ideal situation – if you live in Texas, you might want to get married in Texas, you might not be able to afford to travel to another state, etc. – but this is less of an issue with marriage than with e.g. abortion, since marriages are typically scheduled months in advance, often involve travel, etc., whereas abortions are by nature time-sensitive)

  • it also says that “nonprofit religious organizations […] shall not be required to provide services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, or privileges for the solemnization or celebration of a marriage”

but like you can simply not insist on getting married in a Catholic church or whatever lol

it’s also worth noting that the RFMA was passed in the Senate by a 61–36 vote, with 12 Senate Republicans voting for it, so even if the Republicans get a trifecta, it’s unlikely they’ll have the votes among their own party to repeal it


yeah i see

relatedly, I’m going to go mail in my Illinois voter registration! if you haven’t registered to vote, this is a great time to do so.


i cannot vote this year pensive

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my joints hurt after a match i played
why does the game keep matching me with high golds

@orangeandblack5, would you recommend getting Umineko? Debating whether to get that or Tsukihime (like, legally).

because character speeds are already different anyways? dubu is slow, octavia is fast, etc.

anyways Juliette just got buffed last patch so I don’t blame them for not buffing her again a week later lol, see where things settle

and the Estelle nerf feels justified, she’s just really solid at a lot of things right now so cutting down on her mobility through a very slight speed reduction and a very slight secondary cooldown reduction will in fact mean that she has to have better positioning which given how strong her abilities are feels like a fair way to adjust her strength

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so here’s the deal

regardless of whether or not you buy Umineko legally, you should play an illegal copy

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Did something happen with the developer a la Disco Elysium?

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idr the specifics of that but probably not?

you should still legally buy disco
the developers get money from it

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the actual developers


it’s just that the best version of the game is the PS3 version so you’d be best served playing the fan-made PS3 version port on PC


personally I own the Steam release but like if I was gonna replay it I’d still use Umineko Project

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this way I can financially support the creators while also getting the best experience

win win


I was planning on getting Disco Elysium during the Steam sale, but I got permission, like, a day too late, and now that I know I can get it for $4 next time, I’m finding it hard to justify getting it for $40.

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