Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

whats umineko about

it’ll go on sale at latest in winter sales
you’re best waiting

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is there like a due date for registering? have been meaning to but idk what address ill be living at by the time i actually vote


It’s a very unique sort of deconstruction of fiction as a whole, but the base level plot revolves around a rich family (the Ushiromiya family) who have yearly gatherings to discuss business (mostly literally) on their private island, and takes the form of a mystery where things go wrong and you need to solve the The Witch’s Epitaph, a ~riddle penned by the head of the family about which it is said the person that solves it shall inherit all of the wealth of the family.

Frankly if you’re into VNs at all you should definitely give it a shot, I personally think it would be extremely justifiable/reasonable to just download Umineko Project, play the first chapter, and if you like where the story is going you can buy the Steam releases to support it monetarily when you move on to the next chapter.


imo chapter 1 is well worth going into ~blind if you can, it’s a really well done introduction to the story

if anybody wants I have a slightly modified version of UmiProject with a few slight audiovisual mods to make the experience a bit better for a first timer that I could probably just hand off to ya lol

in Illinois, my understanding is that you can register fully online (with a driver’s license or state ID) until 16 days before election day, or partially online (filling out the form online, then printing it and mailing it in, which is what I had to do) by 28 days before election day.

If you forget to register, Illinois also has same-day voter registration in-person at your polling place. This is moderately more annoying than registering in advance – if you’re doing same day registration, you need two forms of ID (not specifically a photo ID, a copy of a lease or whatever works, but still way more annoying than just doing it in advance).

It’s broadly considered normal and acceptable for college students to vote absentee at their home address even if they’re attending school somewhere else – when I was in college, I voted in Minnesota elections rather than Illinois ones. It would be totally fine for you to just register at your current address and do that. You can also register now, and update your address later if you decide you’d rather vote at your college address.

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I’m not 100% positive about this it’s possible they’ll still make you print it out and mail it

This is a lie. Your account has been repossessed by the esquirrel empire. Thirty days of free shipping for all-variety nuts, or your log-in details back!


oh also the soundtrack is done by basically every top tier vn musician from the time so it’s really really good

also, if you want to try to figure out whether to vote at your home address or your college address, you can look up a sample ballot here: Sample Ballot Lookup - Ballotpedia

don’t be intimidated by the number of races, a lot of them are like “judicial election where someone is running unopposed” or whatever

but yeah if anybody reading this is gonna give UmiProject a try take my version tbh

it has the official translation, some GUI edits to clean things up, and a few other changes that restore some things the PS3 version loses compared to the original PC release

making it essentially as close to a definitive version as exists, as far as I know

oh I suppose as another point of description @Atlas Umineko is kinda similar to an Ace Attorney or Danganronpa game, but without the silly minigames that don’t actually do anything for the story and only exist to make you press buttons and instead getting far more intricate with the story and music to make up for the lack of button pushing :stuck_out_tongue:


So it’s just a well-written standard visual novel with exceptional music.

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We don’t get snow, by the way.

oh you’ve got to be joking :skull:

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kamala was SO fine in her 20s


literally biden levels of hot. dems cannot keep getting away w/ this


Doesn’t congress determine what the Supreme Court jurisdiction is anyway?

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