Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

@Nay Do we ban Atlas

The way it works is, you have to log in with your fingerprint or your employee number. For some god damn reason, one of the managers numbers is 1234, which means we don’t actually need a manager approval for any action, which, is very useful when you don’t want to bother them, or if you want to give friends ten thousand meals for free.


This is why I am doing it, that’s what inside jokes are, Atlassie!

Which, they don’t really care. They just want the food down for inventory. We regularly trade food, give a person sweet tea for free (she comes in every day for sweet tea), etc, because part of being a good business is doing stuff like that

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Anyway, speaking of funny stories, I’m like, one of the least organized employee there. If I handle the cash, I handle the cash in the most disorganized way possinle, ones tens twenties mixed together along with random coins. In spite of this, I’m also one of the most accurate employees with handling money, and I told her when she asked about that it was because it was organized chaos

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I haven’t seen any counterifet money yet

Like Eliza once said


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Hey guys do you think I could have a successful political career

I have learned, however, that a half of a dollar coin exists



I don’t see why you’d say this

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Probably homophobic

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I don’t think anyone can. Unless you show everyone that you’re a little frail compassionate grandmay


What do you consider, succesful?


And what does that mean may in politics?




But as soon as you say that LGBTQ people need to have rights, like a quarter of the 330 million people will instantly hate you

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You may be able to win like, a house of rep if you were really lucky and in the right part and also everyone loved you there, but you would have a hard time at winning at like, passing policies you want