Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

maybe this is a generational difference thing (I am pre-tik-tok, albeit barely) but I still don’t see how that’s, like, Actively Problematic in any way

We’d miss you while you were gone obv but that seems like, extremely bog-standard punishment

I know approximately zero people who have never had their parents remove access to their gaming device/computer/phone before

I really don’t need you to debate me on this

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ybw has been very silent since the guardianships memo dropped

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@may give me free stuff (if you can idk how rich you are) (idk if u can even gift stuff) (parenthesis)

among us


The gift UI is realyl bad on mobile so you’re gonna have to wait

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When youre a 17 year old with an already strained relationship with your parents who is in need of like, support or comfort ever, kind of sucks
I was that kid and given how isolated i was at school taking away my main outlet in my access to the internet was incredibly upsetting. especially when i was generally trying my best. especially apparent when I stopped going to school
Things are more complicated than that


NVM got it working

Literally me

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i feel like im either never gonna run out of crossbow shots or im gonna run out in 3 seconds and never have any again


I’m also old, but I’d say some perspective on children/young adults and how the social world has changed. Most people are limited in their physical relationships, and also have limited access to hang out or socialize with their friends. Digital platforms have become so ridiculously important to the mental health of people since the world has conditioned them to use it in that way. You can easily become cutoff from social circles and experience massive loneliness. There’s a really interesting study into childhood suicide attempts and no longer having access to digital space.

This reality change has made parenting a lot more difficult, and it’s not simply just “no more video games” but taking away someone’s digital device can be stripping them from the rest of the world.


Rather than a sense of biological sex, when a not-cat is born, the atmospheric forces at the time of birth determine how they will develop anatomically. This can be thought of as X, Y, Both, or Neither, and is distinct from a cat’s gender or the pronouns they use. You’ll get to pick pronouns when you name your cat later on.



oooo give me some too pretty please?

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North wind it is

Cats born under the cold Northern Winds are said to be hardy and resilient, with brave hearts and sharp claws.

When the first Northern cat was born, they ran off into the sky to battle with the stars.

North Wind cats have standard colors and are able to produce biological children with south or trade wind cats.

Which cat is me guys



mine did for like, less than a day when i was below 13, and never after that iirc, they just spoke sternly with me, but maybe that’s just beacuse I didn’t do much to be punished

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