Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

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content note: discussion of inappropriate relationships

new lore drop now someone is bringing up how a just turned 16 year old is definitely going to get together with a 23 year old

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Rapidly failing the “divide by 2, plus 7” rule.

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guy also already has a kid and a wife

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the fuck


Georgia is something else sometimes


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i think having extreme apolitical views should be more common. like flat earth is boring now. we need more interesting things like the speed of light was invented to make the math work and because everything is based around it we can no longer say how its changed in standard measurements. a complete cover up


I mean we will never know the speed of light in only one direction so it could be that the speed of light changes depending upon the direction and we would never know

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it is NOT static it CHANGES all the TIME and youve just made a system that MOCKS people who test that



(it’s more accurate to say we only know the two-way speed of light, not the one-way speed of light. this is related to direction, but one-way is more accurate because the issue is specifically that we can only measure the two-way speed of light)

just finished we know the devil. every ending
i kinda speedran it b/c i read really fast and also a few of the scenes are repeated
but. very good game. this will impact me for years to come


do we know the three way speed of light? what about the four way? roundabout? twolane highway?

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i took like 10 gazillion screenshots b/c i want to remember the best lines
most of them are Segmented tho

yeah three way should work fine

i know you’re joking, but yes the three-way, four-way, etc. speed of light is known because they can all be reduced to the two-way speed of light.

edit: I mean I guess it depends on how you’re defining it. One-way is the speed from point A to B and two-way is the speed from A to B then back to A. If three way is like A to B to C and then back to A, it’s the two way speed of light because it’s made a roundtrip. If it’s just like A to B to C… and never returns to an earlier point, it’s reducable to the one-way speed of light i.e. not measurable.

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as previously mentioned the speed of light isnt real?

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what about the roundabout way of light?

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