Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


Are hymns technicalities?

nope because the song i just listed is a hymm apparently

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Tapping a stick against the ground to create a rhythmic beat.
Dates back to humanity’s dawn.

i thought of that yes

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Oh, the more well-known hymn of the same name is 1700s. But if I looked up the lyrics (which is allowed) I could sing the 4th century one, I know that one too. So 4th century!


…well i guess i know some pirate shanties but thats about it

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I am currently fighting with my chair and it’s a disaster


if i looked up the lyrics of the oldest song in the universe i sure could sing that too


I think my desk might be too high up or too low down, because I simply cannot adjust my setup to be comfortable at all

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Do you know the tune? The poll specifies you don’t need to have the lyrics memorised, I don’t have the lyrics memorised because they’re in Latin. But I sure do know the tune!

Fermi’s Paradox.
You find an extraterrestrial trill which can’t be uttered by the human larynx.


tumblr poll: what’s the smallest natural number you’ve never thought about

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it probably sounds like drums or something

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you brought this up before

“there’s infinitely many, so there’s gotta be at least one. there’s a good chance you’ve just never thought about, say, 1,593,629. and it’s a question you can never know the answer to because if you somehow ever figure it out the answer changes”

thats my answer


yes but now it’s a tumblr poll

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Could we just say infinity as a shorthand?
Its value extends endlessly as both a positive and negative integer, and thinking of the individual word doesn’t encapsulate the depth of its primal meaning.

If counting in the car as a kid counts then I can 100% guarantee it’s above 1000

But that’s all I can guarantee. Definitely thought about 1001. Not sure about 1002, chances are yes?