probably-empty threats aside can u tell me when they sell i probably shouldnt have spent all my money on the black market
i feel like im really living up to florida
black market items are random i think
i had the same flower thingy u had in mine so i assume its random but the same for everyone
so i bought multiple because stonks and then immediately realized that might have been dumb
it will probably sell sometime since it’s a cool item
Time to watch this whole thing.
LegalEagle has so many topics
Love the deep dives.
at least this ones funny
Jenna and I are trying out Nebula (YouTube competitor you’ve almost certainly seen creators push), and there’s a show on there called The Getaway. The contestants think one of them is a saboteur or whatever, and is trying to steal their collective prize money, but the twist is they’re all saboteurs. The first episode starts with revealing this, and we turned it off because it felt weird. They just straight up made a bastard game show lol.
That sounds fun.
Frankly I’d go on Nebula but it requires me to pay for a monthly subscription (saving up money)