Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


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and given it is probably a “no” given rule 5 it has not been

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lets just have like 5 people do it in the next fm game and we’ll figure out if its an issue that way

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Sounds awesome

I’m struggling to come up with a scenario where it would actually affect the game. Like what, it’s EoD, seconds before deadline, and someone posts a fake quote that sways a vote? That seems so unlikely to actually happen. The only scenario I can think of is someone just mindlessly sheeps a player or something, but decided to go off the list someone posted last second instead of checking for themselves at an earlier point. It just sort of seems like an absurd set of circumstances are required for it to really matter.

we have just played a game where the vote was decided in the last 10 seconds both days

But not because of someone dredging up a quote in that window I assume

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you couldn’t tell if it would take effect unless somebody actually did it

which the people who have played have seemed to shy away from

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but ive clearly proven that people can be swayed with something they dont have the time to check or think about much

so, if i were to say the counterwagon claimed something like a motion detector whilst i claimed a cop, i’m quite certain that could get me the day to vig the inno child

I’m pretty sure it isn’t let me find it

not due to a mistake anybody made, but due to the fact that they had no choice but to either vote off that information or try to verify it and miss the time

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I swear I remember people being like it’s not okay and against the rules

Idk the issue to me is probably no one wants to ban partial quotes, and that can be used to deceive. I’ve edited quotes in good faith by removing sections to emphasize certain parts and make it easier to read, and it’s just a more effective way to communicate. That’s arguably “fake” because you’re literally editing it and could choose to leave out context (similar to what you could do in the first thing), but this probably not something anyone really wants to ban. Is it okay to reorder segments for clarity or emphasis? What if I reorder segments to change the meaning? Does my intent matter?

I think wolves should be allowed to present quotes in ways that are slightly misleading, but also seem like a plausible interpretation if they were a villager. Like if I’m a wolf, can I not quote someone’s wolf read of a player I want to push, trim the excess hemming and hawing to emphasize the points I want players to think about? Does it need to be straight up fabrication for it to be a problem?


people largely disagree

My personal opinion is I think it should be allowed, but I don’t want to do it if other people don’t want to, it’s a game about lying and the real life version of this is straight up lying about what a person said in the past and no one is going to hold tjat against the mafia

people like partial quotes
they dislike made up things

if you can find a phrase like ybw found off may earlier, somehow, in a forum mafia game, you get the atlas trophy

Why would you fake that they claimed MD when you’re fake claiming cop lmao

Anyone who snaps vote the cw because you claimed cop vs MD would also do so if the cw was unclaimed. Why complicate it? You’re more likely to cause someone to freeze because they’re confused by an MD claim that seemingly they and everyone else missed.

youre both assuming they failed to claim and that each person is not missing potentially thousands of posts
like they might do in, say, a mash

Okay, but it still doesn’t make sense to fake someone else’s claim last minute when you’re going to fakeclaim cop. There’s only downside as far as I can tell.

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