Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


when i say the name… sussus amogus…

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similarly i fundamentally disagree with how jaiden is spelt

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The french would pronounce it as jeduhn

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i have a vewy gweat friend in rome named
sussus amogus

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j (bad letter) ((mid))
ai (would not make an ae sound. think i in hi)

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lilith you would make a bad truenamer

Squid games 2 trailer dropped. Will Mr Beast be the antagonist


oh wow wait i do

Guys, I just realized I can’t pronounce theater. How do you guys do it :sob:

what does this mean

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Is it tyeh-tuh?

in my dialect it’s “thee(t/d)-er,” emphasis on the first syllable

small is usually relative to how you define big

i’ve seen some big ass spiders

had one of these fuckers parked on one of the front windows of my house once

don’t know where it went to this day and while i actually care quite a fucking lot where it went i’d much prefer to never see it again

The pronounciation of theater will be my arch nemesis until I learn how to say it right

Wtf am I looking at

a spider

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in particular one with a taste for birds