Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

…also you may want to abstain from visting africa incase it gets worse yes

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i submit vanilla games to the queue only when we are running short on vanilla games because i kinda. don’t like hosting them

though i can appreciate things like my decieve inc 10er and dayvig 10er :joy_cat:

not like its Actively Bad ofc just that its more of a hassle than anything. i have to reserve this specific eod time and its a bit annoying

and that’s about it lol

reputation is something i was gonna bring up before i realized i was answering the wrong question lmao. im not actually too sure how much more likely a weird game would be to fill if it were hosted by you (who most people wouldnt know) vs someone like me (who most people know and probably have some semblance of trust in)

or someone like alexa who p much everyone knows and agrees is a very good host/designer

id assume it’d be harder to fill for you but idk if it’d be the differencemaker for a ton of people

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I may have to cancel my upcoming Africa vacation it seems


yea i don’t think its like a huge deal for most people but
i remember people seeing singers fm and going “well it’s a kyo bastard game I have to join”
that might just be because kyo has a reputation and their games are rare tho

this is like the level of reputation i aspire to tho tbh
if the setup is questionable and I know it is questionable i shouldn’t expect it tho

generally only effects you if you have an Extremely Bad or an Extremely Good reputation
and one of these is a lot easier to have

like i think people would join astand games because its astand u know

i think trying to give the game a unique feel is a good way to start
i think i did well with it with the halloween botc (not fyf cause i GOT SICK) with the flavouring but you could find your own way

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well i mean yea
the way have done it so far is by putting in a Lot of time and then being very clear that i have put a Lot of time into it

(see: stellaris mash, virtuous)

yeah i feel like they both have a rep where they host fairly uncommonly but p much always have very unique games with cool mechanics

i guess it helps that we don’t have a FoL or SFoL running like 1-2 times a month so the weird mechanical games that we used to dine on frequently are becoming more of an uncommon delicacy

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i recall this happening in a game where something broke and figuring it out after the fact and fixing it was an entire ordeal.


both these filled quickly

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that’s fair

well stellaris mash wasn’t THAT quick but yea

for the size it filled quickly

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