Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I had the same reaction. Plus just intuitively more points of failure in the mirror - could be something on the mirror’s surface lightingwise or smudgewise that my brain is coalescing into a scary guy, whereas if there is a scary guy behind me for real it’s much harder to wave away

the scary guy behind you just wants to play smash ultimate (hes a ness main though)

the scary guy in the mirror world has implications of undiagnosed mental illness at best and deeper implications about the world otherwise

im tired and this is deep

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imagine being an expert thief but instead of stealing stuff you just force people to play smash brothers with you and you always pick ness

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Difference in experience: I knew that already

yeah well


#scary guy

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Although it would be weird for me to start seeing a face if the scary guy is a face (as they so often are). I don’t see faces. Like in dreams pretty much nobody has a face. My brain’s centre for processing faces is very bad

Hm actually I do see faces sometimes but not scary ones only women’s faces. Hashtag women aren’t scary

So faces weird

you say women arent scary but when i scream “we like fortnite” 69 times at night a scary woman comes out and tells me im grounded


The worst thing a real scary person can do is kill you. The mirror scary person might drag you into the glass and trap you there forever.


I disagree

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Would you rather be tortured by a tangible human, or by a mirrorworld spectre?

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i also disagree!

I didn’t say I would prefer that

I would definitely vote the mirror world as scarier, by far

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beat the outertale geno final boss. it was easier than i thought it was, definitely a you have to learn the patterns boss, but i still stand by it being harder than the uty geno final boss

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BTW why were people saying Tutuu is taking a break from FoL?

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because tutuu’s taking a break from fol

not much more to it


I think I find the real guy scarier in the moment, like that’s two points of failure AT LEAST, I’d have to be hallucinating twice, + tangibility of real guy means probably even more points of failure. I think if we’re given forever to think about it and I know I’m not hallucinating then mirror world guy is ultimately longterm scarier but I think more INTRIGUING, like I think I’d be too curious to be THAT scared. So my vote is real guy is scarier

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odds real scary guy specifically wants anything more than to rob me is very low


he can look for my money with me