Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

The mirror world guy wants to MIRROR ROB you, the hot new trend where you rob people from within their MIRROR so you aren’t caught (Cops haven’t developed mirror traversal technology yet)


scary guy

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Sleep world

bro why is the kona airport outside fuck this

I don’t wanna be this sweaty before flying for like 12 hours

Hello everyone i love the text formatting it 's such a great thing test test test 123456789 qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm @#$_&-+) /*":;!? ~`|π÷ק£¢¥^

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that is. a lot of work from the looks of it

I think it’s automated. There’s a rainbow text website for html… somewhere.

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bbcode and yeah there is

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i would be dead before i typed this manually

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they better not be expecting me to be there for 20 fucking hours in a row


might want to check with whoever does your scheduling

might be a typing error

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Come on Atlas, develop your passions, develop your hobbies, you can do it! Make the future feel in the present!

:mega: Go atlas, go!

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don’t worry about me
i’ll drag my decaying corpse and mangled mind to the finish line if i have to

silence chatgpt
This is what we did Before you

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You can also do stuff like this with it! Isnt that fun!

translated for people who value their life
