also you’d die from using it
Some immortality machine
- the game will be run semi-anonymously, with all players playing on alt accounts. if you possess someone, you will be given control of their alt account.
- their alt account will be removed from their role PM. you will be given their death note (which is now your death note! be careful!), logbook, and class.
- if you jump the assassin/cult leader, evils will be informed of any applicable promotions, and may deduce that you have been jumped. if they specifically ask if you are a valid target for a day ability that cannot target cult/Unseen, they will be told as such, but I won’t proactively inform them. you will not attend or appear to attend the Cult/Unseen meeting at night, so they may figure out that you are a Possessor based on that (although this will look the same as someone being jailed)
- it is allowed to do dumb bullshit like asking someone to claim their actual identity, then asking them questions only they would know, in order to prove they haven’t been jumped. This was allowed in ToL so I’m allowing it. I might change this if people strongly prefer it to be disallowed, I don’t feel all that strongly.
- you don’t become the Psycho King or get access to king abilities if you jump the king. probably a bad idea!
- For puppet strings, you will be seen visiting your puppet, but not the person they kill (unless you make someone kill themself) (which you can do if you want). Your death note will appear on the body. They will die to Knight/etc. if applicable, not you.
- You can be the first target of Puppet Strings, if you want
- The bit about “healing yourself” is mainly relevant to bleeds – when you jump, your bleed will be healed, in both bodies if applicable.
- I’m not sure what the order of operations is for a phys/alch healing your target of bleed the same night you jump them, I’m ruling it as “they get a healed message” unless someone tells me otherwise but that could be wrong. ccing @Amelia
- Puppet Strings gives you whispers in both directions (to and from your target)
- Once you Facelift, your Face to be Lifted stays the same until you change it
- you can die to Knight if you try to jump someone who is guarded by a Knight
this is why I started thinking of them as simply actions and day/night as merely a restriction rather than day and night actions being separate taxa.
this sounds a bit unfair to the poss
not able to win unfair
i could fake the perfect may voice but if somebody asks me what hazard said in their group chat on july 21st 2023 i’m doomed
Force target player to vote for another target player. Then, prevent the first player from voting again this Day.
so wait are you doing all day actions as instantly resolving unless queued?
fwiw, a thing that seems relevant here is that many/most day abilities in ToL process instantaneously (and obviously you can’t cancel an instant action), and almost no night abilities do – so I think there are going to be some defaults that are different for the two types of actions, which probably? makes it easier to have them as two different taxa with slightly different default rules
also it basically only means its semi-anon just for account hopping which ruins the fun of. semi anon for people that like semi anon
since everyone would instantly claim their id day 1
yeah that’s fair. the one time I remember it coming up in ToL it was used in favor of the Poss but it’s probably easier to use it for town in longform
don’t worry I’ll figure that out
Wait I don’t think four idiots passed that long
enough day actions resolve instantly that I think it’s probably easier to specify the ones that don’t
Having designed the spread of non-instantly and instantly resolving actions for both day and night, I find it better to not separate them ruleswise even if that goes against convention because it’s just easier that way, and the moment you start having actions that can be used in either phase, it really just stops being useful to think of them as separate or as having different defaults. To be fair, this is pretty much uniquely a mash problem where you’re forced to really dig deep in terms of interesting designs, but it still works at smaller scales.
(and queued actions are functionally instantaneous, they just happen instantaneously at a pre-specified point)
tbf I think this is literally just not a thing in ToL
They said nothing before they they ate atlas
there’s your bi-yearly confirmation that me and hazardwaste are infact not the same person