Death's Wind (FoL) - CANNED

Hm… Well in that case I got nothing. In my mind, I never play optimally and break the virtual non-voting policy, but if not enough people have the same mind as me, then I guess there is nothing I can do about it.

Like, I can obviously cancel the game, but I already cancelled Glorious Victory even though that setup is pseudo-mountainous, so -considering other Vanilla hosts are busy IRL- I think I’ll just wait the full 14 days this time.


what if you made it so that there wasn’t a day action deadline at all, but if the deathcaller kills someone in the last hour of the day, it extends the day by an hour? (so that they can’t just change the wagon by killing someone in the last two minutes)

that way there’s no real benefit to holding votes, since the deathcaller can just kill people anyways

this doesn’t do anything about the quickhammer issue but that one seems comparatively minor


(I am a setup designer and a reviewer, yet for some reason I still can’t understand the issue.)

Deathcaller’s kill is basically public unless Candle died, so I don’t get what people are saying. Originally the day action deadline was 2 hours before phase change, and it “got worse” when it changed to first half of day phase?

The entire point of Deathcaller in my design was to be nothing more than an extra kill for the mafia when the Candle dies. (Literally the only reason why there are 11 Town instead of 10 Town.)

What benefit is there from “if Deathcaller shoots in last hour, then extend day”? What difference does this make? “You can’t cheese a quick kill,” but you never could do this in the first place.

The current proposal just gives an extra burden on the hosts (i.e., me), because they would have to be prepared even more when EOD comes up, even though the intention of the original setup (where action deadline was 2 hours before phase change) was to decrease the hosts’ work give them time to prepare the EOD post.

I see “hammer this and hammer that”; What if I just remove Majority entirely and make this game a pure Plurality-only game?

so, under Normal Circumstances, if the deathcaller is on a big wagon (and the Candle is still alive), they can choose to kill someone, and town won’t know for sure who did it, right? like, if May, Zugzwang, Relm, and I are all voting katze, and then katze gets deathcalled, town knows that (me, May, Zug, or Relm) is deathcaller, but not which

as a result, town has a strong incentive to say “no one is allowed to vote until after the action deadline,” in order to avoid this. this is stronger if the deadline is the first half of the day phase, because “wait until the last two hours to vote” is difficult for town, whereas “wait until the second half of the day to vote” is relatively doable


Yes, which is why I changed the day action deadline.

(I knew only Mafia roles have day abilities —because I am the host who has to know the setup details in order to be able to run it.)

What I don’t get is why @May said “this makes it worse”. There was no argument attached to the post, and the next post says “i mean i guess it makes it better in this aspect, but overall it is a useless role” …which was the point! I love making useless roles!

Then it was ended with the quickhammer BS which- Hey: If you got redchecked -something which is not even possible with a Parity Cop- then that’s skill issue. This version of Parity Cop is not even 2-Target; The earliest Day this Cop can give a difference-result is D3, and if the Cop is still alive and didn’t get a same-result, then kudos to that player.

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The counterplay for the role (don’t vote until the second half of the day) would make my experience worse than mountainous, because I love placing early votes & analysing early vote wagons, and that outweighs the benefits of the role, is all.

Quickhammer… probably a player skill issue, I’ll give you that, I’m just concerned with a clown town deciding somebody is “outed wolf” for bad social reasons and trying to quickhammer them, which is probably outside the scope of your concern as a game designer.

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with the old deadline, it was ~reasonably likely that town would be like “waiting until EoD to vote is too much work, especially if not everyone can be around for EoD”

with the new deadline they definitely can just wait until the deadline has passed to vote


Yeah. “Old deadline sucks. New deadline is good.” That’s what I thought of it. Old deadline forces townies to constantly worry about Deathcaller (which is stupid since it’s a public dayvig if Candle is not dead), so now townies can just play normally for at least 24 hours.

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Yeah, there’s no excuse whatsoever for voting earlier than the deadline. It’s boring to me. I like throwing around lighthearted votes!! The Deathcaller turns the vote system into an arm of mech that you can’t mess around with, rather than a social tool, y’know? I like votes as a social tool.

I acknowledge we’re getting into territory of “May’s personal preference” rather than “objective setup issues” here


“This makes it worse” was more my immediate instinct than a thought-through position


Hm… Yeah, then no. I could change the setup to match your preference by modifying Deathcaller such that it effectively becomes a Dayvig that can kill after the Candle’s death (by doing exactly that), but I ain’t doing that for two reasons: (1) I’m too lazy This would be going against the will of original setup, and (2) I already “conceded” once by changing the action deadline. I ain’t doing this **** for each and every complaint a potential player has.


Yeah, I’m busy anyway, nya, couldn’t play even if the setup was perfect. With hte action deadline not two hours, it’s not intolerable


nyaaaaaaaaaaaa after pondering it
I think it’s better with the stricter deadline
this is very much a personal opinion tho

/in tbh

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specifically, having the deadline earlier means:

  • People can actually vote in the 2nd half of day
  • Redchecked deathcallers never get to use their ability (as the parity cop simply reveals after deadline)
    • This is instead of it being based on either [quickhammers / the parity cop, and a decent number of townies, being available at eod]. This is probably a Zug-opinion, but significant game consequences be based on [being online / posting quickly] feels bad.

I see, i rescind my point that does make sense, pop off king




Do you all think this will fill?

To be honest: No.


Did the signups for this get revived or what