Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

All you had to say

But this isn’t going to be the sole determinant of my alignment
Town will be unsure if they aren’t confident in their reads
A lot of the time I fake confidence

I’m going to sleep soon
Goo night everyone


No one’s asking you to provide a “sole determinent of [your] alignment”, they’re asking you to put in effort

Speaking of, what’s your actual read of Ivy?

I haven’t read much of them
I can try tomorrow
See you then

they still haven’t…

if only I had been around to livepost

imo this is nai for Gar
they’re not very good at dealing with pressure if anything I’m surprised they weren’t like this sooner

can you get Arctic back online I’m losing confidence in your slot :pleading_face:

wdym my iso actually has content for once
usually I’d still be fluff posting but Oricorio is giving strict teacher the way we need to get back to work

oml I forgot about this
that was insane I was not gonna tell him
we should have let him keep running the game

guys we should execute my partner but not me

gth means gun to head
as in like
if you HAD to make a read right now
Ori is basically forcing you to make a read

we love projecting!!
I’m starting to actually scumread this slot because what is this

I mean.
if you want to know how you should read your partner’s posts

exactly what is wrong with that
Gar seemed to take issue with it

was it though

they never responded but I actually brought up purgatory there so I could mention that they only put on that persona in purgatory because someone called them out for their bad attitude
I honestly think them acting like this is NAI

we as a collective
like the other players
cuz that’s who you were referring to, I thought

I suppose that works
unless you thought the capital i was a lowercase L

you can open a quote by hitting the arrow on it
I only quote things that are relevant to what I’m saying, or at least I try to

I type as I think, I rarely delete messages
so I typed that there was no reason to town read them
and then I was like “well actually the fact that nobody is against this is kinda sus”
but that could also be their partner thinking we would think that and hoping we second guess ourselves BECAUSE no one is fighting it
or just a serial busser

oh yeah literally this

are you town

have you ever been in a game with both me and Abbi I don’t stop talking to her she constantly makes banger posts that I carnally need to respond “oh real” or “so real” or “true” to

do people not know what gth means

so when you see a quote

there’s a little arrow pointing down in the top right next to the arrow pointing up

clicking it lets you see the whole quote like this

that’s not a feature on mobile, but if you click the big arrow pointing up

it takes you directly to the post

is this true
it kinda depends on the players
but I suppose just because usually when people are active it’s easier to pick out something I can push on
that kinda goes for either alignment I don’t really find wolves who are 30-posting on day 3 if you know what I mean

this is blatantly false?

I nulled slots here

I was nullreading tutuu here, my only argument was them voting my toptown (who turned out to be scum I was so gagged)

I was nullreading like a third of the players here

I miss Arctic where is Arctic

they did it in a relatively recent game
it was like
the first game I played with Luka and we were both scum and Abbi was not
@Danger_Icy @Miku do either of you remember what game that was


hi I’m back in thread
the fnaf movie would have been good if it wasn’t a fnaf movie the plot was like fire for an original movie but it really was not giving fnaf other than “oh look freddy’s on screen okay cue the music haur haur haurhaurhaur haur haurhaur haurhaur


all three games I used to debunk this were town but I’ve probably done this as scum too
since you didn’t like when Luka or whoever mentioned a game where they were town without mentioning one where they were scum I thought I’d add that stipulation


Uhhhh lets go with that one


i dont remember this game and i choose not to remember this game ever

Now jokes are out of the way

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oh :biohazard:

“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion."
– Proverbs 8:12

“Doth” bruh I just got done with my shakespeare unit let me go free me from these chains

ok one more joke (You know you wanna vote sleep)

sick glad we do the same thing then XD. and yeah that basically removes and bad thoughts i had about that message

but yeah this is correct day 1 quava will and can post nulls.

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for the record you should still read this in hatsune mikus voice im biblically accurate hatsune miku

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See but now i know it annoys you…

the words biblically accurate hatsune miku is a blessing to read

how did matthew lillard go. he is the only reason i am watching it tomorrow


no not a whit i find you passing gentle twas told me you were rough and coy and sullen now i find the report a very liar for you are pleasant gamesome passing courteous yet slow in speech but sweet as spring time flowers thou canst not frown thou canst not look askance nor bite the lip as angry wenches will nor doth thou hath pleasure to be cross in talk hearing thy mildness entertainst thy wooers with gentle conference soft and affable oh why does the world report that kate doth limp oh slanderous world kate like the hazel twig is straight and slender and brown in hue as hazelnuts yet sweeter than the kernels let me see thy walk thou dost not limp

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Why is everyone obsessed with matthew lillard

We love shakespheare