Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

I like it!

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teacher powers activate


I can’t even analyse what I did wrong. I just did not want to play. I just felt like I was dying every time I even tried to think about it.


Teach me how to scum read people(Im garbage at town)

Im sry

the random list generator when it notices abbi and luka are both on the playerlist


You did not contribute.

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To the nausea!!! To the nausea!!!


While this game was ongoing we were also scum together in a DM game
14 players and we rolled scum together in a 3 person scum team


You did not contribute negatively!!! That was unclear of me

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We did it oomfie

mate i am too. i just hang around people and pick up on cues. i will only be able to social read if i play with you often

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mate you played fine. you just had a VERY unlucky eod 1

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Man was a joke lol, i was never solving this game lol.

I think I just suit this really really well. This is georgia for some comparison which I like a little better (I’ve been writing my essays in it I find it very easy to read) but I think theres something undeniably old internet about the Times New Roman
Like look at this. On mobile it looks pretty nice but on PC it looks just kinda. decrepit. Still more legible imo. Like one of those people who was paid to live in isolation on lord’s land to give it more flavor.

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i told you in our scum chat! i win more evil games then i do good. we are in the same boat here

quote from town, day 4 of FAM

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I was towns last hope, so them killing me at night was smart. But then again i couldnt stop anything if people insta vote in mylo.